Infinite Canons


Not really infinite as you can only make out the one (or at a push, two) cameras on the screen.....:shrug:

Not really infinite as you can only make out the one (or at a push, two) cameras on the screen.....:shrug:

Details, Details, Details ..... :D

It's a fair point, perhaps "triple repeating canon" would be a more appropriate title? ;)

I struggled to retain a sense of the scene in the displayed image, further hampered by the relatively small screen on the 30D. In hindsight I probably should have shot the 5Dii with the 30D.
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I like this, I have been considering a similar idea recently as part of my own 365 so it's nice to see it tried (y) The only thing for me is I would have tired to get the same composition as is shown on the camera with the actual photo also, I think that would have worked better :thinking:

I like this, I have been considering a similar idea recently as part of my own 365 so it's nice to see it tried (y) The only thing for me is I would have tired to get the same composition as is shown on the camera with the actual photo also, I think that would have worked better :thinking:


Thanks Matt.

I did try the same crop on this image, but it lost the focus on the screen and by association the point of the shot.

This was coupled with the fact that with a smaller output image you could see even less of the repeated image in the on-screen camera (if that makes sense).
I tried the same thing... Nikons can evidently repeat more often! ;)

Cheat! :p

Mine is all done in camera, with lots of card swapping! :D

Hahaha! Fair play! (y)

Mine was all done in Photoshop with lots of pixel swapping! :D
To be fair, your's looks a LOT better than mine!

Duly noted for next time! ;)

No, I was thinking the same about yours...! I might have to give it a go doing it that way - as long as I can manage to get my D7000 to read images shot on my D70... (different card formats, updated RAW format, etc... could be fun!)

Nice idea, and I must admit, you've executed it very well! (y)