Is this young Female Blackbird OK?

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Remember this photo of a young female Blackbird (1). She has been around for a few weeks now & has always been friendly & does not frighten easily. Today (2 & 3) she just keeps sleeping. First on our water tray edge then on our patio. Any idea if she is OK?



No, she looks ill. Do you know if she has flown into something or been injured in some other way?
Looks like a virus to me. Usually they are like this for a few days and then spring back to normal.. Not sure if bird tonic can be recommended so anyone know if it would be ok? You could put some in water for her...
Looks like a virus to me. Usually they are like this for a few days and then spring back to normal.. Not sure if bird tonic can be recommended so anyone know if it would be ok? You could put some in water for her...

We are going to put her into a box with some wire mesh around, also some water & food. We have a fox who pops in our garden most nights, as per a photo in the Nature wild & free forum. We also have too many neighbours cats here as well. Anybody have any other ideas or is that OK?
We are going to put her into a box with some wire mesh around, also some water & food. We have a fox who pops in our garden most nights, as per a photo in the Nature wild & free forum. We also have too many neighbours cats here as well. Anybody have any other ideas or is that OK?

Have a look on the rspb website...

It will give you some info but not a lot - as if the bird is sick then a vet will unfortuneatly put it to sleep - Dont take it to the rspb as they cant do anything with sick birds... As they have mentioned on their site..
Out of interest, how do you know it looks ill?

As a kid we had budgies that went like this for a few days, a bit of Budgey tonic and it was perked up in a couple of days..

In the top pic it is how it should look, in the other two, it is looking rather sorry for itself.. Birds are rarely aproachable like this.

Probably a good thing if there is a fox around that you picked her up. just make sure she has water etc.. Dried mealworms would be best for food..
Have a look on the rspb website...

It will give you some info but not a lot - as if the bird is sick then a vet will unfortuneatly put it to sleep - Dont take it to the rspb as they cant do anything with sick birds... As they have mentioned on their site..

will look thanks.

Out of interest, how do you know it looks ill?

TBH you guess is as good as mine, however she has been on the ground near & on our patio all day. She is near food & water. So something seems to be wrong. We just hope she can pull through it OK.
Isn't that fluffed up look what birds do when it's very cold? I remember seeing it last winter when it was really cold, and then finding out what it was on some winter wildlife programme I think.

:thinking: What ever happened to the bird in the end :shrug:

:thinking: What ever happened to the bird in the end :shrug:

TBH we are not sure. We made a nice box for her but when we tried to catch her she jumped away. I was afraid to grab too hard in case I hurt her, anyhow after several attempts she flew onto our shed roof & when we turned our back she had gone. We hoped she went into the branches, however we think she went into a neighbours garden. Now all the neighbours have cats & if so we thought she wouldn't have any chance. Later that night when it was dark my wife heard the classic sound of something being caught or being very frightened of another animal then it went quiet. Anyhow about 3 days later we had 4 young Blackbirds in our garden, one looked much like her in the first photo, but we just don't know for sure. They keep coming back & today we had 6. One definitely looks like her, but who knows.
Spose the way of thinking is that it survived and brought it's brothers/sisters in to your garden....

But like you said "who know's" what happened... Quite like my idea though :p
Spose the way of thinking is that it survived and brought it's brothers/sisters in to your garden....

But like you said "who know's" what happened... Quite like my idea though :p

And me. I will post some photos of the one I think is her when the weather is good enough to take some.:bang: