Just been given..



A 'Starblitz 3200BT-TWIN-S' Flash light thing, It has a Hot shoe at the bottom, So I assume it works :)

Just tried, no worky, Any ideas how I get the thing to work? on It's hotshoe there is one metal connection, I presume thats ok for canon? Never used external flash before :eek:
It won't work with Canon EOS cameras...Not that particular flash anyway.
Canon EOS cameras arent supposed to like anything with a trigger voltage of above 6V, and looking at a list I have bookmarked, the Starblitz 3200BT-Twin-S has a trigger voltage of 64V.


Hope this helps :)
It could seriously damage your camera Marik.
I've seen things for sale on ebay that let you use a sync cable to a flashgun

This one says it is Ok up to 250V.

Never used such a thing myself but it might be a way round it.