Just for fun..


Not a mermaid
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While taking some pictures at Brighton... :LOL:


Makes my eyes.. :nuts:
Not quite sure what I'm looking at or how it was done but I think its really good.

I'd like to know how it was done.
Thanks Hyster..

Its Brighton Pier.. its a technique called a Zoom burst.. its when you zoom in or our of a shot while its being exposed.. i think its quite a cool effect..
Thanks Hyster..

Its Brighton Pier.. its a technique called a Zoom burst.. its when you zoom in or our of a shot while its being exposed.. i think its quite a cool effect..

Cheers for the explanation , it is a cool effect, I might just have a go at that.
Pretty well-known effect... Nicely done, though -- kept the camera nice and still. What shutter speed did you use?
the camera was mounted on a tripod for this as i was shooting a sunset when i did it.. the shutter speed was just under a second.. i took a few at different shutter speeds and different amounts of zoom, this one has the nicest feel to it, some of the others leave you reeling!!

Thanks for looking..
Nice to see you experimenting Frag

It's a fun technique, but I think it works best on people

Try this...

Find a nicely lit location early evening, any town street scene will probably do, sort out your exposure for the background - but try to get about 1 sec as Fraggle did - so a tripod is essential

Then place your subject in the centre of the shot, but away from lamposts etc.

Fill the frame nicely with your subject (mate, wife, girlfriend, local idiot!), and zoom OUT during the exposure - but light your subject using rear curtain flash

Ideally, off camera flash is better and will usually require manual flash use, but that's easy to sort out by chimping the exposure, if you can't do that - stick it on your hotshoe and let the iTTL sort it out

Takes a fair bit of trial and error, but can be fun

And SOOOOOOOOOOOO much easier than when I first did it 30 years ago with film

