Juvi Eagles

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Took this guy yesterday--He is 1 of 2 eglets produced from this nest I follow. Now that both have taken flight, they and the adults don't hang around the nest much. Neat story on this capture--I was heading to the nest at about 8:45am---I heard on the radio that the space shuttle was going to land at Kennedy space at 9:08am. I took several shots of this Juvi and all of a sudden I heard the 2 loudest sonic booms I have heard in a while--I looked at my watch and it was 9:02am---The boom scared the you know what out of this little guy and he took off and circled for about 30 seconds before disappearing in the distance---The shuttle must have rentered the atmoshere right over North Florida----really cool and loud---Thanks


Like those - esp. the in flight shot.
You seem to be well off for birds of prey.
Must be plenty for them to feed on and no persecution.
Like those - esp. the in flight shot.
You seem to be well off for birds of prey.
Must be plenty for them to feed on and no persecution.

Arclight-----Thanks for the nice comment---As you may know---Eagles are a protected bird in the states and other than Alaska, Florida has more nesting eagles than any state in the US---also, with all the water in Florida----plenty of food for the raptors--Eagles and Ospreys