weekly Kate 52 for 2015 -Week 3 Scenic added

B&W looks the better version to me, good take on the theme
B&W version for me, they're such delicate things and this is such a great interpretation of the theme.
I like both version too. Great idea for fragile - something different.
Hiya Kate...

I really like your B&W fragile shot. The hands look like the hands of someone who doesn't mind getting them a bit dirty which is a great contrast and juxtaposition with the white of the bird. In fact, I think the highlights could stand a bit of lifting to really make that contrast even starker - as long as you're able to retain some detail in the feathers (might be more a case of moving the white point, rather than highlights?)

The colour version is a nice shot, but it doesn't have the same sort of interest as the conversion. It's funny how removing a dimension (in this case colour) focuses our eyes so much more on what the image is saying... at least that's what I find.

Really well taken shot which is converted superbly and brilliantly on theme. Nice one! :clap:
Well I have got behind, but I am determined to catch up!
this one was taken on time but I have farted about with the post processing and I am still not happy with it! I have not done this before so I learnt a lot. Taken on my 1.4 50mm lens, 30 shots @6 seconds with a few flats and bias shots, then stacked.

Top right is comet Lovejoy - a splendid green colour- and bottom left are the pleiades.

[url=https://flic.kr/p/qLsjNk]comet2_edit (1) by purrplekate, on Flickr[/URL]
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That's lovely ... don't know the first thing about this type of photography. Is that x30 x6second shots?o_O

And interesting choice of lens (I'm jealous).
Lovely "sort-of-abstract" image. Despite the randomness of the stars you've still taken the time to compose the shot which makes a huge difference. Well done!
Makes me want to go play Kerbal Space Program now :) Back to Mimus!!
Scenic - I love astrophotography and this is no exception(y)
The Pleiades has to be my favourite object in the night's sky. The fact that you captured Lovejoy too is great - it won't be back for around 8000 years!
Scenic what a cracking idea. I really like.

I must try some Astrophotography one day need to find somewhere with little or no light pollution
Hi Kate, nice image. I'm hoping to try out some similar shots while visiting Yosemite later in the year. If my first attempts are half as good as yours ill be happy :)
Hi Kate, that's a lovely shot, specially as it was the first time you'd tried this, and well done on catching the comet :)
The Pleiades if I'm not mistaken, a nobel constellation indeed, almost elegant hmm, now there's a thought. :)
Hi Kate

lovely take on the Scenic theme made even more so as it's your 1st attempt :clap: I couldn't even begin to take that sort of shot !
Hi Kate... I was convinced I'd replied to your star shot but obviously not! Well taken... I do wonder if there's a way of reducing the blowing on the constellations as I reckon there must be more detail to extract if you were able to... I'm not au fait enough with astro to know how to do that though! What aperture are you using out of interest? My WA lenses max out at f/2.8 which is fine but at 17mm (APS-C) not exactly UWA... I'd love to have a play with the Samyang 10mm f/2.8 for this kind of thing!

Great image and well done on your first astroshot :)