
Just think of all those shoes you could have bought with the money Kaz, instead of wasting it on a camera :naughty:

I didn't think there was anything wrong with your other one, judging by the images you were posting.

If you are at UW Saturday you need to keep out of the way of the serious birdwatchers, I understand there has been a challenge made between UW and Belvide as to who can spot the greatest number of species in a day.
Just think of all those shoes you could have bought with the money Kaz, instead of wasting it on a camera :naughty:

I didn't think there was anything wrong with your other one, judging by the images you were posting.

If you are at UW Saturday you need to keep out of the way of the serious birdwatchers, I understand there has been a challenge made between UW and Belvide as to who can spot the greatest number of species in a day.

Thanks for that Martyn I had better watch out for that then,Not that bothered about shoes or handbags Martyn,to much of the outdoor type now.I did and still love the 50D and will not be getting rid of it,But I did want 1D body but the mark 3 had been out a while so thought I would wait and then this baby came along so that was it Paul's earoles could stand me know more and he gave in:LOL:Am loving it just finding my way through it and testing it