Ladram Bay 234 boats

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I can't decide which work best...


personally i prefer number 2 - but i'm not sure why :)
Number one for me.

I like the way the boats are more forward 'breaking' the line of the beach / water / cliffs.

Perhaps it's the slightly higher viewpoint but number two doesn't 'pop' out at the viewer as much and the top line of the boats sits too close to the line of the beach / water.
I think I like number 1, but, just as a random suggestion, ever thought of making all 3 boats the same colour?
1 for me - not too keen on the shore line on 2 - too tight to the back of the boats - could of done with being shot just a touch lower.

I prefer number 2, I find the boats are too in your face in the first one for me to be able to look at the rest of the scene, in the 2nd one the add to the scene rather than compete with it.
No. 2 works far better for me.
The emphasis is too much on the boats in the first one, and unfortunately as boats go they look fairly bland to be the main subject of the shot.

Just my opinion of course :)
Unless the subject's intended to be the boats (which I doubt since they're rather uninteresting on their own), I'd go with the second image.