Large lens

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As a beginner to photography, and with limited amount of money, i was toying with the idea of getting a Mirror lens but was put of by them only being f8, but now they are on the market at f6.5.
How much difference would this make, as i know that this type of lens has had a bad deal.
I plan to stay just purely on an amateur basis so i am taking these shots for myself, but i still want reasonable quality.

Best regards Paul
I know of an experienced pro news tog that still has and uses a mirror lens, but he's probably the only one :LOL:

How much are the f/6.3 ones?
Difference between f/8 and f/6.5 is about half a stop - very little. Mirror lenses are cheap and short, but that's about it. They are 100% manual and they all produce those 'interesting' dough-nut shaped out of focus highlights. Cheap fun though :)