Last photo of my dad

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Thought I would post a photo of my dad that my daughter took of him a week before he died. This is what my 2 girls did to him for some fun. I found this shot after he died when I downloaded a load of shots that my eldest had taken over a couple of weeks before. My apologies If I did post this before I just cannot remember.

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Yes, i remember you posting this before, it still has the impact it had the first time i saw it.

This picture says so much to the person viewing it. :)
I remember this and no need to apologise. He has a got a twinkle in his eye hasn't he?!
Arse, Mods please delete thread if you feel it is necessary.
Why delete it? It is nice to see it again. :)
As hacker said, no appology necessary either.
Dont delete it.... I loved it then and I love it now. He sat there full of love for his grandchildren and let them facepaint him. Its quite a moving shot actually. :)
Please dont delete it, your sad loss makes an excellent photographic memory all the more poignant :)
A great photo and no need to delete the thread. I took a photo of my Dad a few months before he died and all the family have it as their main photo of my Dad. Despite being very ill at time of photo he had a wonderful smile when I took his picture.
Don't delete it, I missed it first time round and I'm glad I caught it this time. Memories are there to be treasured and thanks for sharing yours. :)
Agree with the above comments, do not delete this. I remember the first time I saw it and it had an impact then. More so now. Sorry for your loss.
A precious shot indeed Dave.
A photograph to treasure in the years to come, keep it safe :)
I hope I have a loving family nearby and similar joie de vivre when I reach my final days.
Please dont delete...many of us i'm sure have not seen i before, inc me. A wonderful photo and more importantly memory for you and your children of what was obviously a memorable and such fun moment.
What a fun reminder of your dad. A picture to look at time and again to make you smile and remind you what a wonderful dad he was :)
I remember this the first time, it made me cry :(

In a good way, I promise :)
What a fantastic shot to remember him.
Really love this, the kind of portrait that captures the essence of indicates to me he had a real sense of fun and tolerance. I have always liked the sitter to be looking directly into the camera, in spite of some saying that is wrong.
Thanks for all the comments, I really do appreciate it, as does my eldest daughter who took the shot. He was a great man and certainly a great influence on not only my life but also a lot of the people he met.