Leucistic greylag goose?? ID please (PHOTOS ADDED)

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Not sure what this is. It has the body of a greylag, but its legs are a lot stronger orange, not pale pinkish, its bill is pale pink instead of orange, it is quite shorter than a greylag, and it has this strong white patch on its head and neck. It does look like a white-fronted goose, but we don't get these in my part of the woods. Any ideas?

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Looks like some sort of escapee from a collection doesn't have any characteristics of a Greylag:thinking:
Interesting! It seems to have quite a short neck too, but I guess that could just be its pose! A few other angles might help with identification, but if I had to guess I would say White fronted as you already mentioned. Have you checked with your local Ornithological Society? They may have some listings of recent sightings on their website.
I have a couple more angles, will post shortly. Thanks for the reply guys, I will check for sightings and probably post at a birding forum, maybe someone there spotted the same bird and knows about it.
Oh, it was shot at Brandon Marsh btw.
Adding a few more photos here.

1) Different angle, showing the white patch

2) Similar angle as before, different pose

3) Crop of the head

Hope these help with IDing this. Thanks again