Wild Leveret on the run


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Hi all

Another trip out to the fields, I spotted a Leveret and got as close as possible and then I put my face in the dirt and waited, hoping it came my way.

It decided to run in, it heard the shutter but kept coming, image 4 was the point it noticed the ugly sod laying in the dirt :p then it stopped beside me for a brief moment, before making it's exit.

I have cropped the 3 running images a bit and Image 4, I think needed higher SS :headbang:

Thank you for looking, happy to take Crit/feedback as always :)

All images 1/1000 - f5.6 - ISO 320 - 600mm

Leveret run in 1
by Gavin Wickham, on Flickr

Leveret run in 2
by Gavin Wickham, on Flickr

Leveret run in 3
by Gavin Wickham, on Flickr

Leveret run in 4
by Gavin Wickham, on Flickr

Leveret run in 5
by Gavin Wickham, on Flickr
Those are just wonderful Gav :D

Looking at them gives and instant smile :D

It's a long time since I've stood and watched rabbits in a field (I know those aren't rabbits) but they're something I always look for.

Well shot and thanks for posting :D
Lovely set, excellent :)
Your diligence and patience paid off in spades!

A lovely set and and the narrative gives great context. A beautiful animal in it's natural setting.


#3 with all 4 feet off of the ground is especially nice, even if a tad oof ;)
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Great set Gav, I really like #2 nicely caught "in flight" :)
Those are just wonderful Gav :D

Looking at them gives and instant smile :D

It's a long time since I've stood and watched rabbits in a field (I know those aren't rabbits) but they're something I always look for.

Well shot and thanks for posting :D

Thank you, Alan :) Glad you like them, it made my morning and a worth the 5am start ;)
Thank you for taking the time to leave feedback, I appreciate it (y)

Lovely set, excellent :)

Thank you, Jak :) thank you for taking the time to leave feedback, I appreciate it (y)

Wow they are amazing.

Thank you, James :) Glad you like them, cheers for the feedback, I appreciate it :)

Your diligence and patience paid off in spades!

A lovely set and and the narrative gives great context. A beautiful animal in it's natural setting.


#3 with all 4 feet off of the ground is especially nice, even if a tad oof ;)

Thank you :) Glad you like them. Appologises for the OoF image, I think I underestimated the little beasts speed and may have needed to use a better 'f' number to give the focus system a hand ;)
Thank you for taking the time to leave feedback I really appreciate it (y)

A great set well with the work you put in

Thank you, really appreciate it, glad you like them :)

Great set Gav, I really like #2 nicely caught "in flight" :)

Thank you, Chris :) glad you like #2, thank you for taking the time to leave feedback I appreciate it :)
2+3, wow, you've nailed those. A cracking set of images, which does make me slightly jealous.
2+3, wow, you've nailed those. A cracking set of images, which does make me slightly jealous.
Thank you, Dale :) I added the OoF image as I felt the 'story' flow needed including, and the last was just too close and I was curled 90 deg' to get it.

I think No.4 is my pick :D
Cheers Alan, I'll try harder to get it right next time ;);):LOL:
Ace sequence of images Gav, they're all fab but my fave is No3
Thank you, I appreciate it :) I'll try for a whole leveret next time :LOL:
I think it's often better to not try get the whole subject in shot and just get more detail in, just like you have with no. 5
Gav saw this set a while back late to the pardy huh. :exit: ...............bro I never believe that hare, that deer, is gonna come to me........my failings right.. hell I can prove they do over an over..but somehow I can't except it believe it .....so when I try to premept the image I wanna make............... my techs are off it's given isn't it

Mate that's sort of what I see here.......ha buddy don't get me wrong the 4 in the air is bonkers cool.....but

with these big lenses( long focal lengths............... up close one's DOF becomes a sliver..................wafer thin.........so that's me crit mate.

believe it will come second ( THAT IS SO SO HARD)

premept it will come.....................NO SMALL ASK................dial in ya techs while ya face is in the mud......

hmm I dunno anyone how would do that you ARE weird :exit: soz mate it was always coming wasn't it:banana: :LOL:

Buddy maybe this isn't sage advice low ISO = better IQ That's given !!

you shoot at ISO and Ss much lower than I ,so although I've focused on DOF,ya have to find a way to get that and retain EXP........I agree faster SS, you've already mused that above,

but to me ya have to push the DOF as well and that means ISO has to creep up.

Gav this is stuff I personally struggle with butt you assimilate faster than I do (y) .if a hare is coming at you are you fast enough to change the f while that happens is happening .

or do ya use that interim to dial in techs...just in case the impossible happens?
@Stuart Philpott

Who let you out of your hole??? ;):LOL:

I think you're right, I've started shooting full Manual now, so I'm trying to break old habits and learn the new button/dial layout, I do need to play with the settings more, I'm kicking myself for not having SS/F's higher.

I'm starting to get the hang of adjustments 'mid shoot/run'.... but, moments like this I forget everything, as one eye is watching and enjoying the little beast and the other is aiming, BUT I forget the bloody camera settings :oops: :$

Takes a strange sod to lay in the dirt :whistle::LOL::angelic:

I'll keep digging and one day I might get the hang of this photography lark :p

Thank you for the feedback/advice (y)
All really nice, second to last I think the focus, DOF is a little out but this is a hard thing to get right 100% of the time.
Thank you Steve :) 'a little' is being polite, it's miles out :LOL: I learn by trial and error, so time will tell if I've learnt something from this set ;)
Thank you :)

Sorry I Missed them off, this set was the 5D IV + EF 300mm f2.8 + 2x III

that is pretty impressive with no eye detect AF, so I suspect you had high burst mode ! ?

Sorry to fire of more questions, what AF mode were you using, i.e single point AF, single point expanded, zone etc ! ?

Still impressive images.....
that is pretty impressive with no eye detect AF, so I suspect you had high burst mode ! ?
Camera was set to the max 7 FPS, I waited for the Leveret to get to a clear bit and took 2 shots followed by another 3, then grabbed another after it paused beside me.

Sorry to fire of more questions, what AF mode were you using, i.e single point AF, single point expanded, zone etc ! ?
No worries fire away... AF settings were set high for maximum reaction and tracking, I used single point (just above center for this) and followed the Leverets head the best I could. Camera is handheld with the back of my wrist on the ground just to take the weight. I find zone tracking a little hit n miss .. I know, no differant to my images above ;):LOL:

Still impressive images.....
Thank you

single point AF is very difficult with a moving target if it is not heading towards you !
Agreed, I like a challenge ;).. sometimes use extended single point for the hares running across, only use zones for birds in flight, animals I use single point. I don't trust the camera :LOL:
I have a 7Dii and even though it has 10fps I have to put the AF point on the subjects head to start with and that is the difficult part,..lol
Very well done Gav-canon
Thank you
I've not escaped me 'ole, Gav....just can see a chink of daylight upfront somewhere tis all :D :LOL:

Get the hang of this toggin' lark forget the settings you an be both bro..........you an me both.

Gav interesting convo with T...............I use the DXii........thiink the Af is similar to both 7dii and the 5dvi mate but a gnats improved and obviously the frame rate is shockingly fast on the DX sure pixie count much smaller but then the pixels are much bigger and therein might be something with moving subjects. Also it's terribly difficult to assimilate how much an Af system the nuances of it , effect an image I dare say those nuances can make or brake an image re sharps ....3 cameras 3 prices same maker same base AF system and the law of deminiishiing returns

Gav I also oft shoot single point but have been urged to use more points with moving subjects by some astounding togs that produce images that blow me sox off..............so I trust 'em

So many facets to a sharp image mate so so many................ha an what folks see as sharp is also open to debate............yonks back i posted a piccy of a dabchick on one forum I was told wow that's sharp on another ya got mo blur bro........ we don't all see through the same eyes bud.

As an aside my fav deer piccy is utterly not sharp I've made a silly amount of roe pics Gav an dat's the one that haunts me..with modern post processing gizmos I can pretty much blag meself it's ok........but I'll always know it isn't and that me olde mate keeps me hungry (y)
@Stuart Philpott

That's just a mole's head tourch :LOL::exit:

I'm still playing with the 5D as I was being a little precious with it (another reason why Em calls me Gollum :LOL:) and kept taking the 90D out to the fields, I probably need to work it harder... I keep looking at a 1D' :oops: :$ as the frame rate on the 5D is lower than my 90D, only by 3 fps but I notice it :LOL:

I agree on the sharpness and how others see an image, I've had mixed feedback on a couple :LOL:

I'll NEVER be happy, I keep pushing no matter what ;):LOL:
What a fantastic set. No wonder you've got so many responses.