Light Trails - First try

Hi Jason,

Looking at you Exif info I see that this was a 20 second exposure and you went for a aperture of f/29 now considering the length of the exposure I would think that you could have dropped this considerably to say f/10-16 this would have brightened up the light trails a little.

But considering that this is a first attempt I think that you have done well.

Jason, you have done a really great job with both, you IMG_0383 is fantastic, I think that the settings you have used a good for the locations.

I have added you as a contact on flickr.

Good to see a couple of variations, there's more to light trails than just standing over a motorway.

For 371 were you on a footbridge? Only ask as I swear I've seen previous shots from pretty much that same comp.
Love your second one from today - great that its got detail in the background too!