Little Egret in local stream

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This was literally a 'drive by' shoot.

It was a roadside shot. The Egret was working the stream,,, moving 'upstream' slowly, while working his/her feet to disturb the food. I pulled in upstream and waited for it to come into shot. Shot from car, these birds are moving inland rapidly.
Good spot and nicely captured David.
Nice shot Frankie, you have captured the whites well.

Regards: Gordon
Spot on Frank (y) I am sure their numbers will just keep on increasing. They are a lovely bird and would be a welcome addition to anybodys local waters.
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what a great capture franky especially sitting an waiting like the old saying goes (everything comes to he who waits )
regards ian
Excellent shot Frank, the exposure looks spot on, nice one and well spotted (y)
Very nice, perfect on the whites and nice detail (y)
Lovely shot frankie,

I had not seen Little Egrets in my area prior to this year, I used to do loads of fishing so have spent hours and hours by local streams and rivers etc but never seen them before. This year there are absolutely loads about and driving home on Wednesday I counted a dozen on the local river! Unfortunately couldn't shoot out of the car as they were too far away even with 400mm and every time I tried to creep closer they took off into the field!

Has anyone else noticed this sudden increase in Little Egrets in your area?