Critique little fruit fly Macro

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by JamesCraig Photography, on Flickr

One of my first attempts at this with my 7d 105mm sigma
The little guy was stunned after me managing to hit him while bussing round he then landed right in the middle of my white paper on the table and lay there for 20 mins while i took photos and then flew off.

It is cropped quite a bit as he was very tiney and even 1-1 was not enough magnification.

What do you guys think open to tips on how to improve things
:clap: well done James :)

Is this stacked and if not, if you have other shots of the stunned fly with other bits in focus, might be worth popping it through some stacking software and seeing if you can get even more detail (y)
thanks its the first time iv use my home made soft box what a difference some card and kitchen role can make

no its not stacked its a single shot at f10 1/250th at nearly 1:1 think its just under il have to have a look and see if i have some more with the legs in focus cant remember. the next thing i was going to do was do a focus stack but the darn thing flew away