Lonesome Hill

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Wow - very good capture, looks excellent, pretty much cant fault it so I'll leave it at that

Nice capture:)
Great stuff and good composition ... might be better without the headless post left of shot imo ?

... interesting to note that nobody in the crowd actually has their eyes on the loner ! :shrug:

So what were they are glued to ??? :thinking:

Makes a really interesting shot ... TFS ! :clap:
where was this taken? I find it a bit of a concern that the paraplegic is going uphill whilst all the runners appear to be going downhill!!! Good shot mind you :)
minimeeze said:
that picture tells a great story - I like it!
I'm not sure it tells a story but it certainly raises a lot of questions, not least is why is he the only one going in that direction??
I fink perhaps he's way further up the course than the runners. :shrug:

Good shot wherever he is.
dod said:
I'm not sure it tells a story but it certainly raises a lot of questions, not least is why is he the only one going in that direction??
Not really. Probably just different start times as they tend to go much faster than the runners and maybe he's the race leader!
It wouldnt really be sensible to mix any type of bike with the heavy density of runners. Ex-Collegue of mine races - he is a maniac around the office in his normal wheelchair too.

Great picture though
Excellent in telling the story. Would as previously suggested a slight crop on the left to shift the post and leave the chap without a vest and a pained expression. Know how he feels as did the London to Brighton - all 54 miles of it!
excelletn shot. nothing else for me to say. Can you post a not very good shot sometime Tuna, please?
great shot, lovely composition :)

if i had anything to say it would be alittle more detail in the sky maybe, but that would be being very picky