Maplin Portable Lighting Studio - small

They are okay but I would save the money. Just get some white paper and a cardbox, which you can easily make into one of those. A lot cheaper. We used one of those at college once and it was rubbish.
I've bought one of those, not very impressed with it so far tbh.
for 10 cant argue with it portable handy and sturdy.

so Raphael dont worry about it i have bought one and happy enough with it so enjoy the purchase, advantage over cardboard box? it is portable and can be dropped down to nothing and carried about.

use as studio ok it is no great shakes but for a tenner quite happy
Was looking at one of those but can anyone recommend a set of lights to use with it

i am using normal household angle poise and long shutter speeds working quite well.

only thing i would say is to use black card inside the box when using as the blue is a bit "bright" blue.

messing with it at the moment so may be better lighting set ups