Max size CF in a D200

don't know but i would say whats the biggest CF you would trust to have images on incase it corrupts.

I would go for 8x 2GB over 1x16GB

just incase it corrupts
im using 2gb cards now, but raw eats them up.....

Was thinking of 4's or 8's but i do take your point on corruption
Apart from if it is bad weather, then you probably aren't taing photos anyway.

It only takes 10 seconds to change the CF card
I use 4GB CF cards for general shooting in my D200 and 2GB cards if I am shooting a wedding or similar.

As visualisetheworld rightly points out the 2GB cards provide a safety net if it corrupts, which means I would lose appx 120 shots as opposed to 240 on a 4GB (based on shooting in RAW).

On a side note I have never (touch wood) had a card corrupt on me (I use Sandisk) but I feel reassured by using lower capacity cards for important shoots. Anything that provides reassurance in the midst of a potentially hectic shoot can only be a good thing.

As far as I know the D200 would take 16GB cards (the D2x does).

HTH Alan
I used a 16GB no problems, did worry me on long days out though, if it corrupted I would be gutted.

I have given this some thought as well, on reflection you would loose a bundle of cash if the 16 GB card crashed against a 4 GB which I use.

Another advantage of using smaller cards is you can use different cards for each subject/shoot. Ok you might have to change cards but is that really such a big deal against the above? I don't really think so. Stick to max of 4 GB cards would be my advice .

i use 2gb cards in my d200 but have 6 of them...i have a 4gb card as well so i really would recommend 2 gb cards...
Another vote for several 2GB cards over fewer larger ones.

Having said that, the only cards I've had fail were cheapos - I now use SanDisk and have just bought a 4GB Extreme III (from 7day) which came with the RescuePro software - just in case!
never used the software, hopeflully i will never have too.