Mental illness project

The image of the palm looks familier.
I think I understand the underground shot as well.
I don't think the bird is contoversial as such but I need to know the context.
Hi Indigo

I'm not sure how to respond to this set. Photographically, they all stand proud and tall, but I find it hard to comment on them without some clue about the reasons for the choices you've made. :)

As an image, I'd choose the lights as my favourite, but I think that could change! I like the colours and the symmetry. The underground shot is also striking. (y)

Good luck with getting to grips with flickr - I'm still struggling and put my TP photos in my Gallery! :)

Thanks for the comments. They are basically done for the mood im in, my moods change quite frequently as does the images.
I don't understand how they portray mental illness, I suppose they will be submitted with some kind of explanation. :shrug: I'm not trying to be negative I just do not get what you are getting at.
Hi indigo,

First of all, well done for portraying your feelings through art, I find it a great outlet when I'm having a tough time.

I can't help but wish your images had titles & short quotes/poems, just a word - to help you understand why you chose that particular image at the time, when you look back over them in the future.

I've started a similar project on deviant art relating to an emotional trauma but am keeping it anonymous for now until I'm strong enough :)
Thanks for the comments peeps. I guess your right i need captions on my images to help people understand, thanks for taking the time to look ***.