Missed opportunity......1 of Several.....

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Spent a lovely weekend on Dartmoor and managed to miss many lovely shots by not really being 'on it'

We camped here, bit naughty but was good place to be.

Arrived about 5 minutes after the sun had dipped behind the trees, despite driving like a loon down silly roads. tsk.

Bit flat but I will be going back here again I think.

As already stated, lovely compo. & colours. 5 minutes makes a huge difference in sunsets. Happened to me last week by 5 minutes. :bang: Hopefully we will have a sunny summer & more opportunities will appear on the horizon. :)
not much to complain about there :clap:
be very interested to see it "improved"
Even without the sunset colours in the background, I think this makes a phenomenal shot!

Cracking :D
Super.......lots of nice interest in the sky too.

Thanks everybody. Just goes to show what I know, eh?

It's not HDR as somebody asked. Just judicious use of ND grads, and the LCH tool in capture NX.

I did get up at 4am the following moning to try to get some sunrise shots (it would've been coming from behind me almost) but much cloud and a flat camera battery prevented me getting anymore!

It's Belever (sp?) btw, on Dartmoor somewhere!