Mistle or Song

Mark Molloy
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I first thought this was a Mistle Thrush but since getting it home and looking im thinking ore like a Song Thrush, anyone care to give a positive ID-Hoping it is Mistle Thrush as i have never photographed one before:LOL:


It had all the charictaristics of a Mistle with the thinner neck, quite big and was scaring off the Fieldfares that were around. The spots on the upper part though made me think that it may be a Song as they arent mis-shapen and course like a Mistle. Im glad you guys think it is.:clap:(y)
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Very good images Mark (y)
It's a mistle right enough. The easiest way to tell, apart from the size, Mistles being bigger is the spots. The Song Trushes all tend to be pointed throughout the length of it's body where as the Mistle has only pointed spots on the upper of it's chest and they are more rounded on the lower chest and belly.(y)