More Ospreys

Gordon Macleod
Edit My Images

Thanks Gordon.
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love the last picture !

sharp eye and you can see the power in the wings
While I agree with Alan I also know how difficult it is to photograph from this hide.
I've been twice & while both times the ospreys put on a fabulous show I came away with only a couple of keepers.
Very early in the mornings, I'm guessing soon after 4am & the light is usually very poor
So high iso & low shutter speeds for us was the order of the day.
I think most of mine were taken at something like iso3200 on a 400mm f2.8 1/200th sec
Having said that it was still worth the long trip up just to see these magnificent birds.
Hi Guys,
I really only put these on for a bit of fun, not because they are razor sharp or enhanced , just for a bit of fun.
Cheers Gordon.
No problem Gordon, but punters want to see quality shots. Its a long way to travel that's pretty costly so its important that they see what can be achieved. I know you have done a lot of hard work up there and I would hate to see it fall flat. ;)
Hi Wippers,
The hide is located in Aviemore Inverness-shire and this the start of the second year since I dug out the hide, last year it had more Ospreys fishing than anywhere else in the UK, and by some distance, 1 blank morning in 8o mornings, I hope that's not the kiss of death saying that, but so far so good this year and I have already had a morning they didn't fish.
I really don't have time right now to post lots of images as I am in the middle of building a reflection pool, but there are loads on flickr from the hide.
Waders on and back in the water.
Cheers Gordon.
P.S Redstarts right in front of the hide, and a Black Redstart seen beside it.
Hi Wippers,
The hide is located in Aviemore Inverness-shire and this the start of the second year since I dug out the hide, last year it had more Ospreys fishing than anywhere else in the UK, and by some distance, 1 blank morning in 8o mornings, I hope that's not the kiss of death saying that, but so far so good this year and I have already had a morning they didn't fish.

So is this a private hide or somewhere I could visit?
No problem Gordon, but punters want to see quality shots. Its a long way to travel that's pretty costly so its important that they see what can be achieved. I know you have done a lot of hard work up there and I would hate to see it fall flat. ;)

Oh dear is that what it's come down to now. What next, Gigrin having to approve any shots posted from there, those who bait Kingfishers for photographers to shoot having to pre approve shots posted. "Punters", what a sad world we now live in.
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Hi Wippers,
Its a private hide I own, I do charge for fully guided early morning sessions, if you want more detail just send me a PM,......... got to fly.
Cheers Gordon.
Oh dear is that what it's come down to now. What next, Gigrin having to approve any shots posted from there, those who bait Kingfishers for photographers to shoot having to pre approve shots posted. "Punters", what a sad world we now live in.

What are you on about comparing it to Girgin? Gordon is running this as a private business so its totally different. Also baiting Kingfishers again your talking nonsense. No one has to "pre approve shots" but if its the business owner that is publicising photos then its obvious that they should show the best photos possible. I have nothing but admiration for the work Gordon has done and I was trying to help. The better the photos that people see from this site the better business will it sad call it what you want , but this is a FACT. I stand by my comment that the 1st two were awful. I see no point back patting and being false like we see so often in photography, this does no good at all. Now wind your neck in and think about it ;)
Alan makes a valid point, having only done one photography workshop that I have paid for(Alan's sparrowhawk hide) I made a point of checking out the possibility of the sort of images I could achieve, I checked all the exif information photographs etc I decided to part with my hard earned cash which included fuel and a overnight stop over of which I didn't get much change out of a couple of a couple of hundred quid.I had a very enjoyable day and managed to meet mad max and a great experience .
Alan makes a valid point, having only done one photography workshop that I have paid for(Alan's sparrowhawk hide) I made a point of checking out the possibility of the sort of images I could achieve, I checked all the exif information photographs etc I decided to part with my hard earned cash which included fuel and a overnight stop over of which I didn't get much change out of a couple of a couple of hundred quid.I had a very enjoyable day and managed to meet mad max and a great experience .

Thanks Dennis, Im not knocking Gordons site as Ive seen great images from it. I just think he would be better not putting bad ones up. I need to send you a text mate, ill do in morning.
Hi All,
I will say again I only posted the images for a bit of fun, I know they are not the best but I did not intend them to be an advert for my hide.
Almost all the images from my hide are owned by others and very few are posted here but are all on flickr somewhere, and that's were 90% of my bookings come from, almost nothing comes from showing images on an open forum like this. while its great to see some wonderfully images on here its not a good business plan, I know this from years of posting and sponsoring many fishing forums over the years that we no longer sponsor.
I hope everyone feels they can post images of any quality here, and some even just for
While i appreciate Alan's comments and i know where he coming from, posting images here is not a business plan.........JUST FUN....... or was.
Cheers Gordon.
In reply to Gordon I would like to add that I have seen some excellent images of the ospreys in Gordons hide both on private websites and flickr,as I nearly visited last year,i did send a email enquiring .
No problem gordon, but although your aim is not to advertise through here you will be surprised how forums like this generate interest. Word of mouth etc. For example the Sparrowhawk at my place got known nationwide only through a couple of forums so you would be surprised how much it gets round.
Thanks All,
I am sure you are right Alan, i personally never take images from the hide so most of the images are posted like Den says on flickr/websites ect, and are owned by the Photographers who take them, of which you see very little on open forums.
I will take your advice on board, perhaps it would be fun to have a thread based on the hrs spent in a hide and the rubbish images taken with a little story why it didn't work out, everybody has done it and i bet there are some really funny stories.
Got to fly.
What are you on about comparing it to Girgin? Gordon is running this as a private business so its totally different. Also baiting Kingfishers again your talking nonsense. No one has to "pre approve shots" but if its the business owner that is publicising photos then its obvious that they should show the best photos possible. I have nothing but admiration for the work Gordon has done and I was trying to help. The better the photos that people see from this site the better business will it sad call it what you want , but this is a FACT. I stand by my comment that the 1st two were awful. I see no point back patting and being false like we see so often in photography, this does no good at all. Now wind your neck in and think about it ;)

I agree with you regarding the quality of the shots. I'm sure the hide offers the perfect opportunity to photograph Ospreys at close quarters going about their natural habits. I make no apologies if my comments upset you however. The owner of the hide made his decision to post the pictures he did. You however seem to put commercialism first. I'll turn it on it's head, what if those who had paid to use the hide had posted pictures the owner or you didn't approve of. You're comments say a lot and by the way if I want to stick my neck out I will :)
I agree with you regarding the quality of the shots. I'm sure the hide offers the perfect opportunity to photograph Ospreys at close quarters going about their natural habits. I make no apologies if my comments upset you however. The owner of the hide made his decision to post the pictures he did. You however seem to put commercialism first. I'll turn it on it's head, what if those who had paid to use the hide had posted pictures the owner or you didn't approve of. You're comments say a lot and by the way if I want to stick my neck out I will :)

Its clear I am having trouble explaining things here. My post was made to try advise someone who is running a business get more custom. Now as a business man I think the main objective is to make as much money as you can....agree? The business owner has no power to which photos the clients post, that's why I did not and would not make such comments towards a clients photographs.... got that so far? Stick your neck out as far as you want, but when you do try understand things before you do as it can make you look rather silly if as in this case you don't get it ;)

Gordon , Mr and Mrs Walkers work is fantastic and its images like this that will see bookings continue and grow ;)
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Thank god for Mr and Mrs Walker then. The saviours of Gordon's business. You are having no trouble explaining yourself here Alan. Your earlier comments on image quality and "punters" probably did more damage to Gordon's business than his original post. You do make me laugh.