Mouse with vertigo

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Our cat, Lucy, was running up the lamp and curtain last night!

Then my son came into the room and noticed this little chap on top of the curtain!!



I locked the catflap with the cats out all night.... to give it chance to get away!

This morning it had only progressed down as far as the windowsill!

It's now under the bookcase with the cat standing guard licking her lips so all my work in vain !!

Got any tin foil tubes or the like? My cat regaularly brings these little chaps in and I now leave several tubes behind awkward places i.e. book shelves so they can get in and I carry the tube out with mouse in and release it! Try putting a tube somewhere near the mouse with a bit of peanut butter in - they like it, smell it and hopefully will go in and eat!
I cant catch it. (that's "catch it" ... not...."cat sh*t!")
Janice. What you have there is a young rat, judging by the tail. Too heavy for a moosie.
Surely at 2" long it wouldnt be covered in hair if it was a baby would still be in the nest?

Dont want to be arrogant...but Im damned sure it is a mouse...we do have lots around here. (not in the house you understand!.... we're surrounded by fields so they are all over)
Looks like a fieldmouse to me...?
Same here. (y)

If you compare this baby rat the rat has smaller ears, smaller eyes, and a longer nose.
Its a house moose I mean mouse, Janice
You can get humane traps that are a little like a see saw, mouse goes, in door shuts behind, forget the cheese, bait with something tasty like chocolate.
Nnd don't forget to "re-locate" some distance away or it will likely return with its mates
No need, Sawman......later found it in the garden.........well its head anyway! :puke:

Puir wee sleekit coorin timerous beastie.
Bet there are no others on the forum that recite poems to you!!
That was Rabbie Burns that was! Got hurt feelings now.

Awww dont wait till January 25th, go and have some haggis and neaps and tatties!! ;)
Its OK for me Janice & I have an "understanding". I understand she is at the other end of the country from me!!

And I "understand" that every 6 years or so, she goes on holiday!!!!! :D :LOL:

Be afraid, be very afraid! :D
Janice, I've had mouse problems for a while, and last time I tried catching one it shot up my trouser leg.. the wife and I couldn't do anything for laughing. I now have a device that plugs in the mains socket - "pestcontro" by lentek and yes the "L" is missing) which emits a sonic pulse throughout the wiring in the house..... for the mice it's like playing old Rick Astley records at full volume and not surprisingly they have all packed up and left. Cost about £45 but much better than mucking about with traps of baits like I used to, with limited results.
And I "understand" that every 6 years or so, she goes on holiday!!!!! :D :LOL:

Be afraid, be very afraid! :D

Oh Help!
When did the six year count start?
Does that mean you will be coming to Scotland to look for Dippers?
Posted a pick of a Dipper nest elsewhere for you. Does that get me out of trouble?
Oh Help!
When did the six year count start??

about 3 years ago!

Posted a pick of a Dipper nest elsewhere for you. Does that get me out of trouble?

I guess so.......................for the moment! ;)

Thanks Si,

I think I will leave it to the cats.............Rick Astley is more than I can take! :D :LOL:
[Does that mean we have a date in three years?
only if I can see your Dipper! :D :LOL: :naughty: :woot:
Or if you take me into the woods and show me your peacock! :D

Enough! Ive started coughing with my asthma now, from laughing! :D :puke:
only if I can see your Dipper! :D :LOL: :naughty: :woot:
Or if you take me into the woods and show me your peacock! :D

Enough! Ive started coughing with my asthma now, from laughing! :D :puke:

Canna wait! Three years should give me enough time to train the peacock!
ah I see now! thank you for explaining that!
Hi Janice, what an adorable mouse!!!! i think it's a dormouse, field mice have a slimmer nose and are a more tan colour... unless I have that the wrong way round? :bonk: either way it is a mouse!!! x x x
I wasn't sure, do you know what this is? i thought field mouse,


it's a very lucky mouse, rescued from the jaws of next doors cat, nursed back to health! and released again. for the cat to try again no doubt!!!!!
The size of those looks like the same critter!
I wasn't sure, do you know what this is? i thought field mouse,
it's a very lucky mouse, rescued from the jaws of next doors cat, nursed back to health! and released again. for the cat to try again no doubt!!!!!

Its difficult to tell without seeing the rest of it but I think Field mouse going on the shape of the face
LOL - Really fun images (and comments on the iamges), Janice. Thanks for posting those.