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Took this in the studio the other day. D700 + 24-70 f/2.8. Thanks for looking.

Not liking this, it a nice idea but it all just looks a little drab, grey backdrop, brown dress, dark hair, dark shoe's, it makes me think of a school mistress from the 1800's :thinking: I also think this may suit the people and portraits section more than the creative section :thinking:

I think that you will get more of a response from there, so I'll suggest a move (y)

Idea is good- the image is a tad soft for me :thumbsdown:

Les (y)
I think it's a great concept, there's some good movement in the dress particularly on her LHS and I rather like the subdued colour pallette. However, I think it needed there to be less blur in her face for it to really work. I'd also have liked to have seen her with some more feminine footwear to match the floaty effect of the dress - maybe some ballet pumps or even barefoot.

Quite happy to move it to people & portraits for you if you feel that it might fit better there - however, it's a creative technique that you've put into practice and IMO it's equally at home in either section :)
I like the tone and the mood, but to me it's let down badly by the static and heavy feet.. the rest of the image is fluid and atmospheric.

Are there any other shots from the shoot?
Thanks for the critique. The dark mood is quite intentional, and I think it suits the model.

The blur is a problem, I agree with that. The exposure is quite long to get the movement in the dress. The shoes could also be more feminine. Good critique, thanks.

I assumed this would fit best in this section. The rest of the set would go much better in the people and portraits, I'm sure. You can check them out here.