My computer and video progam problem

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Not been around for a couple of days as my other computer decided to throw a wobbly on me. It came up with error code 39, got that sorted as it wasn't too hard. That relates to the computer seeing the cd/dvd drive but not reading the discs.

The other fault it threw up was a bit harder, it came up with script error. This had the effect of loading my Panasonic video program onto the computer but just wouldn't get past the initial front page to the program itself.

I hate going into "run" type regedit to look up HKEYS and their sub sections

Its taken a lot of hours to get it back working and even system restore didn't retrieve it. Anyway its back up and running now(more by luck than judgement). I always back up everything videos/stills to DVD's but its a load easier to restore them via the camera or SD card. Those with camcorders will already know this

Hopefully it won't be that long now until I get the new computer built with USB3 ports ( already purchase a USB3 card reader). This computer being built is specially for video work in mind and general stills photography. All components are being hand picked from graphic cards to processors to hard drives specially for this kind of work. Thank goodness my son is into computers and already built a few for friends.

New IPS monitor here ready to go, if you don't know the difference between different monitors


Page 4 in the link is worth a read if not the whole article from page 1

Just checked the 2 computer's processors when they were built one in 2006 and the other in 2005. The computers themselves are not quite that old but can't be upgraded to work at a faster speed without complete new mother boards and everything else.

The big problem I have is because the processors are slow the video playback is reduce to 16fps,which in other words can't read the recorded speed which means the processors "skip" some frames to keep up. The result is when panning with the video camcorder close up objects "jerk" and doesn't run smoothly.

So for those of you who cameras with video recording facilities and the playback jumps this could be one of the reasons why.
Due to my Business program which is DOS based I can't install windows 7 either as its only up to Windows XP which reads DOS.

Hope this posting is of, at least, some interest, if not at least you havn't been doing anything else. :LOL::LOL:

I have checked with a computer expert who has a BSc in computers and apparently Windows 7 doesn't pick up all DOS programs. Also like Windows8 due out later this year he says it can be a hassle overriding Windows7 to get back to XP. However you both may well be correct but as it is a business program with 5000 clients on it I just dearn't risk upgrading.

Thanks for you replies I do appreciate it, as I am going to get another computer as mentioned in my original post there will be no need to upgrade my works computers

If you just need a machine to run this DOS program you should be able to pic up a low spec machine for peanuts that would do the job, then get another machine updated.

I don't need another machine to run DOS I already have 2 computers to do that. its one for photographic work as mentioned in my first posting.
But thanks for replying.