My first desat

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It's a touch furry round the edges.
Do you think it's ok or is this sort of thing dated now?

Technically, from a processing perspective, it looks fine. As for it being in fashion?...I know a lot of people don't like selective colour images. Personally, if there is a strong argument to having part of the image in colour and the rest b&w then I'm all for it. However, imo, there is no reason why in your photo the girl should be in colour and the boy b&w.
I see your point!

To clarify the rationale' behind the desat thing.
I was taking pictures at my sons end of year school production.
I was giving free prints to other parents and realised that the best way of making the child stand out was to desat everything else.
I also de-focused some of the surroundings.
I see your point!

I was giving free prints to other parents and realised that the best way of making the child stand out was to desat everything else.

Now that makes more sense and I suppose as a parent it would be quite a nice thing to see your 'little darling' standing out amongst the other kids. Good idea (y)

The more I look at this photo the more I'm convinced that the girl featured lives on my street, maybe she just has a doppelganger!
i think that we forget sometimes on these forums that the public wont see a phto in the same way as other photographers, we can pick it to bits and say this technique is out dated, or that technique is flawed, but would the person who has absolutely no idea of photography think its anything other than a great image using a clever technique? i dont think so, so i think the parents would be pleased as punch!
