My first portrait shoot. C&C wanted

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Took these 2 photos in the John Rylands library (Manchester). No flash was allowed and I was using just the available light from the window. And one light in the middle of the ceiling of this alcove.

I ended up with some reasonable images composition wise but all seemed a little soft. I was using between f1.8 and f2.8 and I guess I just had trouble focusing. I did try to do some manual focusing but I find it impossible to tell through the viewfinder if something is in focus or not:(

Would love any C&C you can give on these.


Quick tip, if you have a shot you like, try turning it upside down as large as you can on your monitor, look away, then look at the image and see where your eye goes.

In the case of the 2nd image your eye is drawn first to the folded arms and the the bright corner of the desk, then to the bookcase at the right all the highlights.

What you need to do is tone down the bright areas and lighten the face.

I am crap with photoshop, but you need to be able to lower the bright bits to concentrate your viewpoint on the important bit, the face.

Very poor photoshopping, but I have lightened the face a touch and just used a brush to paint some grey over the distracting bright bits to give you a quick example of what I mean. Done well it will make all the difference.
