My Grandson......


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After his first painting session


He was in a good mood for a change:)

Think I'd have cropped a bit off the left and top to get him a bit less central in the frame. Great family memory picture. Focus should be on the eyes but it looks to me like you just missed, or it could be a little movement blur if the shutter speed was on the slow side.
Thanks for your comments, to be truthful this was taken in Macro mode using a Finepix F10 and was a quick snap that turned out ok.

RobertP; I see what you mean about cropping the picture to the left and yes there could be a little movement blur and that's one of the faults I'm trying to rectify when taking photos especially with the Canon.

Baz777; From what I hear is that he got more paint on himself and his mum, just going to make metal note not to let him decorate a room:D

natjag; he seemed to then, unfortunately he has Cerebral Palsy and only on occasion is he in a good mood as this time, normally it takes a lot for him to smile so he was caught out this time(y)

Thanks for the CC I've still a long way to go to get to the standard of the people on here.

I got really worried when i opened it up... I didn't read the writing so i thought he had a nasty skin problem! Phew.
I like the reflection in the eyes.