My wife the mountain biker

You can call me Sir.
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Was messing around with off camera flash and the bronny the other week. Twas pretty dark in the woods and bloody freezing so couldn't be bothered trying to do the maths on under exposing and pushing the film later.

Bronica SQA, Fuji Provia 100, 50mm or 80mm and one or two gelled flashes.



I think the lighting is a bit too middle ground and should have been more adventurous but brain freeze and a freezing model didn't alow time for that. Role on spring(y)

C&C more than welcome.

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I would also like to say that #1 just cries out film not digital.

Nice photo's
Having problems on my cappy work monitor working out the actual focal point on these shots. On the first pic i'm not sure if its the eyes/face or the badge on the jacket.

Nice pictures all the same!!!
Thanks for the comments everyone, I appreciate you taking the time.

Both good shots, nice composition. If I had to be picky, I'd say the shadow across her legs in #2 is a wee bit distracting.

Agreed about the shadow, I should have moved the light closer to me, I'm going to have to consider my lighting a lot more carefully now I'm using film. Best to avoid working in the cold then I think.

Having problems on my cappy work monitor working out the actual focal point on these shots. On the first pic i'm not sure if its the eyes/face or the badge on the jacket.

Nice pictures all the same!!!

Cheers John, the focal point should be the face but it could be a case of bad focussing on my part combined with a shallow DOF the bronica gives when used fairly wide open (F4-ish) when the light was so bad. Faster film and smaller apertures in future.

I like ~1 but I think it could do with some extra sharpening

Possibly, it's been so long since I used photoshop I've forgtten how to sharpen without overdoing it so went on the safe side. Thing is the images might be slightly OOF or too soft to sharpen without detriment. Anyway it's film, who needs sharp eh?

nice wife

Thanks, that'll help my photography no end:razz:;)