n00b from Lincs

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Complete and utter n00b to the forum and to photography, got a D60 in Jan, taken millions of photos, so much so I still haven’t read the manual on how to work the camera!! :thinking: Am getting there slowly and hope the forum will be a good start on learning more.

Also would be great if anyone knew of any training or would be willing to offer training in the Lincs area.

Just a couple of my fav pics probably very technically wrong but I like them :wacky:




Sorry if I am doing it wrong :bonk:

ooh me thinks I have some sizing issues, I thought photobucket resized them :confused:

I will try and fix
ooh fixed it...I think....:thinking:

ETA: Dont mind me, I always talk to myself ..lol
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Hi Stiglet :wave: and :welcome: to the forum (y)

You will soon get the hang of it all:D
Thanks for the replies :D

Sorry posted and then had no internets from moving house..I will have a proper look at forum now and even maybe brave some posting some pics for criteque.
Hello and welcome where abouts in Linc are you
Welcome. Don't worry its normal to talk to yourself around here. :nuts::bonk:

am in Lincoln :D

so yeah tagging on in scunny (I dont beleive the sunny part :shake: ) would be a definite yes :wave:
:waves: thanks! was taken at Manby so not far.

You know of anywhere in Lincoln that does training?
You're welcome to join me at Scampton and shoot the Reds when they get back. I usually go on Fridays...

Hello Stiglet, welcome to TP (from another Lincs Tog)

I thought the tank might be at Manby(y)

As for training have you tried Lincs Uni to see if they do a evening / part time course (they do full time but I don't think thats what you mean).:)
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Hi Kev, thanks that sounds like a grand idea!

Hi Cyb, yes I grew up in Manby and used to play on that tank, am a bit of an urbexer so what sniffing round the base and had to get the old Cheftian.

And I would love to do full time at Uni, sadly my job probably would't agree. But will hav a look there and the college I think. :thinking:

Thanks :D
There's a few of us from the Scunny area...we'll have to arrange a meet at some point...But not at Normanby Park, I'm bored of it :razz::D
Hi and welcome - perpare to become addicted! :D
haha yes keeps seeing lincs people on the Forum, meet would be a great idea! I did find the meet forum yesterday...lol

addicted for Forums or photography? am already addicted to both lol

Am not yellabelly am a codhead offically :wacky:

Might brave posting a picture soon lol

Thanks again for lovely welcome!!
Welcome. :)

I'm only a few miles across from Scunthorpe (in Hatfield, near Doncaster), and lived in Lincoln for a few years nearly 20 years ago. I can normally be found shooting the Rugby League at Scunthorpe (game on Saturday if anyone is interested), and other stuff in the area.
Welcome fellow Lincolner. I'm at uni in Swansea but still regularly go back to Lincoln.

Awesome tank photo :D
Hi Kev, thanks that sounds like a grand idea!

Hi Cyb, yes I grew up in Manby and used to play on that tank, am a bit of an urbexer so what sniffing round the base and had to get the old Cheftian.

And I would love to do full time at Uni, sadly my job probably would't agree. But will hav a look there and the college I think. :thinking:

Thanks :D

Welcome, im from lincoln also! For urbexing in lincoln check out www.mids-urbexing.co.uk