Natural Lighting - location

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I have read a lot of information on natural lighting and am looking to start doing more outdoor shoots - I wondered what people would recommend .....

Sun behind Tog lighting up the model (possible problems with exposure)


Sun behind the model, using flash to light the model?

Anyone have a preference??


personally I would think sun behind subject with reflector to fill in or flash out of those otherwise if it was too bright subject would be squinting etc.
Stay out of the sun for portraits....kills the image.

Go and find some OPEN shade instead - much better. The model doesn't squint then either.
Stay out of the sun for portraits....kills the image.

Go and find some OPEN shade instead - much better. The model doesn't squint then either.

Not always, if the sun is at like a 2-3 o'clock position in the sky then you can position the sun behind model to the right and then use a fill flash in-front camera left which can make some awesome portraits.
Let's face it, there isn't really an answer to this, it depends on what effect you are trying to achieve. As with studio lighting you can use whatever light modifyers you wish to achieve that too. Do a Google on 'natural light photography' and you will find plenty of examples. Even with portrait work with the subject facing bright summer sunlight can be overcome with a large diffuser panel held like a sun shade and reflectors/black cards etc.

Oooo, that was my 1,000 post :eek:
Does that mean the Mods will be sending me a hamper or something :D