New fox in garden.


The Enforcer
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...and this ones not blind .... :D

Usually I have a daily visitor to my garden a young adult fox, slightly tatty and quite a minger... and semi blind also. He’s been around for a couple of years now, surviving somehow, then all of a sudden, since last week or so he's gone.
This young pale fox has turned up in his place this morning ... Very sweet, pale coloured and small though ...I'm reckon she’s a girl, is there anyway to tell without looking underneath?

I'll have to watch this one; she almost wandered into the back room this morning wee cat Molly had to charge at her in a frenzy of claws and fizzed up fir. :LOL: .. the fox scarperd quick time.

Just sharin. (y)



awww cutie
She’s so sweet isn't she ... defiantly the cutest fox I've ever seen ...not bad for a terraced street in ugly East London.... I do count myself lucky, although I may change my mind when she leaves fleas in my house.

I've been converting to Lab colour on these and using USM on the lightness layer. Just fiddling really... Do they look ok ...more sharpness needed..? Anyone. :)

Two more.

I prefer the look in her face in this one but slightly missed the frame unfortunately



Thanks guys, thought you'd like them. :)
Hey nice shots Adam!! I do like foxes, especially urban ones! We get a fair few our way in Woodford - some scrawnier than others but all reasonably bold.

Not managed to get a good shot of one yet! These are great!
Hey nice shots Adam!! I do like foxes, especially urban ones! We get a fair few our way in Woodford - some scrawnier than others but all reasonably bold.

Not managed to get a good shot of one yet! These are great!

Looks like our plan to meet up and shoot East London has been found mate....I have beer in the fridge. lol. ;)

This is the first time today that I've wanted a more sophisticated auto focusing, system, I tend to select from the five segments available, as I shoot. So this morning I found myself repeatedly rotating between portrait and landscape, whilst constantly changing my focus segment as she wandered back and forth.... Also trying not to let her notice my frantic fumbling. Keep the camera reasonably still, and at no time look her in the eye.

All I could think was, I bet a D200 would help. :( :LOL:

Inevitably I ended up with a few slanted ones like this.

Absolutely adorable!!!
I really love the 3rd shot in the 1st post :love:
Youre so lucky to have them in your garden (though Im sure theres many would disagree).
Havent seen one around here for a while now ... trade ya a squidger? :D
Great shots Adam - they look just about sharp enough too me.

She is a lovely little fox. Was just considering the suitability of a foxy minger from your first post though. Is that like a 10-pinter-and-early-morning-scarper (that I've often heard the cads discussing)?

Anyway, you lucky bugger, nice work (y) Loving the yawn!
Absolutely adorable!!!
I really love the 3rd shot in the 1st post :love:
Youre so lucky to have them in your garden (though Im sure theres many would disagree).
Havent seen one around here for a while now ... trade ya a squidger?

:LOL: I have an excess of squidgers myself, any Magpies. :D

That 3rd just makes you want to pick her up and cuddle her doesn't it. :D


Thanks Glo.

Great shots Adam - they look just about sharp enough too me.

She is a lovely little fox. Was just considering the suitability of a foxy minger from your first post though. Is that like a 10-pinter-and-early-morning-scarper (that I've often heard the cads discussing)?

:thinking: ...its more like the; I've been caught poaching scarper ... :D I think. :nuts: :LOL:

Sharpness ok, ta mate.

Lovely shots Adam.

Try putting some small plates of dog food out to entice it back more often.

No need for that mate, comes back every morning, and scoffs the food of my bird table ..well every sunny morning, anyway,
They like to relax and lay in the warm grass, surrounded by my high hedges, I think they find it a safe spot, except for the large single glass-eyed man, but he’s harmless they've sussed.


Thanks everyone, glad you enjoyed them ..if she has babies you'll be the first to know ...fingers crossed. :love:

... I take dawn bookings btw.

... minimal fees. ;)
aaawwwww!!!!!!! :love: :love: :love: