New Router


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Guys, iv got a Netgear router and iv just got a newer one, same make..

Is there a way to save all the settings from the old one and upload them to the new one??

Im not the greatest geek in the world so to input all the different bits for me with the port forwarding and the wireless access and mac addresses would take me an age!! lol..

Any ideas??

Go to the web-based router configuration screen, there will be a section named something like Maintenance (that's what my Netgear DG834 shows).

In this section there is an option to Backup Settings. Selecting this link opens a page where you can save the current settings to a file, or restore settings from a saved file.

That should do it.
many thanks for that.. i thought id looked at all the different pages looking for that!!..

Iv got it now.. thank you..(y)
it wont accept the saved settings!!..

it says " please select the correct configuration file".. it was saved as Netgear.cfg but its not working..

Any clues??
I've had a quick google and a dig around the Netgear website.

I think you're going to have to configure the new one from scratch. It sounds like the configuration file for the old router isn't compatible with the new one.

I can't find any tools on the web that can help with this unfortunately.
thanks Freester.. iv had to do it all by hand!! and oh dear!! it wasnt easy!! lol.. i even updated the firmware.. arnt i cleaver.. hehe..

Thanks again for the help..