New website - new pictures


Lee D

I am hoping to get a few jobs this year, possibly working with an experienced pro in the commercial and or wedding market.

To this end I have put together a basic website with some of my recent work. If anyone has the time, I would be interested as to whether you think I have used the right type of material and whether you think the quality of my work is good enough to warrant trying to find some work.

We all have to start somewhere!

Thanks :)... all images:
Lee, i have taken a look through your material, i find it quite interesting, far from me to dictate or critisise anyone,I thought you had a great varied amount of work, nice layout etc. There is no reason why you should not go further.
Two thoughts,
I do feel the the Enter Gallery should be larger and perhaps in bold... I would have the Gallery menu on the left so that it is always viewble.

I would like to ask the question of if or what program you used to build your website, or perhaps you had some one build it for you, I have two websites( not photography) that i built some yrs ago, but need to start a new one that is more up to date...i am looking to do the same and premote my skills locally.

Good luck Lee

The first thing I noticed was that gallery is spelt incorrectly (gallary) on your web site, would be worth running spell checker through it all as that does tend to annoy people:D

Other than that it looks good, nice simple lines etc and easy to navigate (y)

(Doh, must type faster!)
Oops, can’t spell “Gallery” how embarrassing!

Thanks for the quick feedback.

Rocket... I built the site myself and I use Dreamweaver CS3 now. This was just a basic design as I think "simple" is best for photo sites. If you need a hand with a new build, let me know I will be happy to help.

I'm never going to make and English Teacher am I... best stick to the Photography.

I have hopefully sorted out the spelling / typo's. I have been building the site all afternoon and I think I was a bit hasty publishing it :bonk:

Comments on the images is appreciated, I'm especially interested in comments on the weakest area of my photography so I can keep practicing.


Hi Lee

Just finished looking at your website - fab varied and interesting work. The only thing I would really suggest would be to have a 'slideshow' option in each category.


Lee, nicely put together site (must get round to doing one myself...). My only real comment is that in the "Weddings" section, I think you have too many pictures, and don't cover the subject as deeply as you perhaps could, but this is just my observation.

Thanks Steve, you are right the weddng gallery is the weak link and mainly due to lack of material. It's proving harder than I ever imagined to find a local pro who will let me work as a second shooter, even for free!

I am getting to the point where I will have to wait until my first solo wedding shoot in November (unpaid) or pay for a portfolio building course.

Any other ideas would be appreciated.

Oops, can’t spell “Gallery” how embarrassing!

Thanks for the quick feedback.

Rocket... I built the site myself and I use Dreamweaver CS3 now. This was just a basic design as I think "simple" is best for photo sites. If you need a hand with a new build, let me know I will be happy to help.


Thanks Lee I will be having a go myself soon, you have made a real nice job with yours, and yes i agree simple makes it less complicated for those that visit...
Just one question, did you mean Dreamweaver & PSCS3 or is there a Dreamweaver CS3?

Thanks for the offer.
Hi Rocket,

Dreamweaver CS3 is the replacement for MX, which is a big upgrade if like me you use like using lots of CSS.

The offer to help in genuine, so if you need a hand let me know. I built my company website: which is the limit of my ability.

All the best

Thanks to those who offered their comments.

I have now published the final version with a tweak to the styling and images in the wedding gallery. If anyone feels like having a second look, I would welcome the feedback.

Thanks again

Lee just a couple of points.

#1. Index page: Bottom left text you've spelt gallery wrong again.

#2 About page: The text for Portfolio building starts on a new line yet the text for wedding portfolio building doesn't.

Also various links throughout your site are different colours

About me page you have a link to your fees page, font color white.
Services page you have a link to your fees page, font colour green.
Services page you have a link to your gallery page, font colour white.

I would try to keep them uniform throughout the site.

Sorry for picking more faults.
No, thanks... I asked for the feedback and its taken on board;)

I missed #1, hopefully there are no more, i've done a site search now.


Lee just a couple of points.

#1. Index page: Bottom left text you've spelt gallery wrong again.

#2 About page: The text for Portfolio building starts on a new line yet the text for wedding portfolio building doesn't.

Also various links throughout your site are different colours

About me page you have a link to your fees page, font color white.
Services page you have a link to your fees page, font colour green.
Services page you have a link to your gallery page, font colour white.

I would try to keep them uniform throughout the site.

Sorry for picking more faults.