New website too


Uncle Glen
Edit My Images
This is my first ever website, but after seeing steves site it puts mine to shame. If you would like to comment feel free. I've not got the gallery part loaded yet and its still in its basics. Ta for looking.
Glen said:
This is my first ever website, but after seeing steves site it puts mine to shame.
And you're not helping my feelings either ;)
Is that one of the templates you spoke about in your other thread or did you build it yourself? Whichever way it looks professional :)
There is nothing wrong with that site Glen:thumb:

All clean and seems to be working from the links I tried. Once the gallery is completed and running it will make a big difference to the feel of the site. :)
Thanks alot for the comments, yes DOD its one of the many templates on website, Its their web wizard that I've used. I had exactly the ideas in my head but I just didn't know html so I found this was the easy way to get a decent site started until I can learn more.
Very nice site.

one minor thing if you are able would be to separate the main page element from the buttons, title and border pic, so when someone navigates via the buttons only the centre refreshes and not the whole page.
Don't think I can with it being a template, maybe Steve might be able to answer this one?
It can easily bee done depending on the code used for the navigation, however as it is likely to be calling the button images from the same loaction for all pages then the resourses being used will not be much larger and once one page has loaded initially all the others should be even quicker as the images will already be in the browser cache. Although the suggestion is the correct way to do it, in reality the effort it would take to re-code (for someone who doesn't know html) isn't worth the gain.
woh! :dizzy: straight over my head this early in the morning, but I kind of see what you mean, thanks for replying.

With it being a wizard that I've used to create the site just from 1 template, all I do in the wizard control panel is either add a text page, custom form, feedback, guestbook, photo album, welcome page or a shop bit (locked as I haven't paid for that) If I started to learn more about html, could I start to change the likes of my backgrounds or change the position of where the 'camera' pic falls. In the wizard you can 'check on' the html button and then you see the code for what you've just done.
Yeah, once you can read and understand the code you can basically do anything you like.

Have a look in the thread that dod started about his site, I posted some good links there for beginners. Take a look at a few of them and even if you just start to understand some bits and bobs you will soon begin to alter your own code and make things how you want/need them. :)

Starting with a framework from a template or wizard is fine for a beginner and will give you the basics from which to work. It's a very quick way of starting your site and fine for most people. Its also easy to take it to the next level. :)
Just been tweaking the site again, hopefully I'll have all my images placed by the end of the weekend. Do you think I should leave the flash welcome on or not, I've got 2mb and it loads in a few seconds, could any of you with slower speeds please give me some feedback. Cheers.
While it is eye catching it does go on a little too long for my likes and really serves no purpose. Its a nice intro but it is just keeping people away from the real content, how many people would you expect to visit your site to view the flash alone. If its none then I would remove it, also it will effect your search engine optimisation as they usually mark the first page. ;)
personally I'd say get rid. I don't even like intro pages saying click to enter.
Whilst the intro is eye catching, it is way too long, is lacking in 'GK Digital' identity and doesnt really follow a theme consistant with the main pages IMHO.
As part of this web wizard, when you create a page you assign what you want that page to be for example:

photo album

The only problem with the gallery at the moment is when I upload an image (Max 5mb) their server resizes it to a thumbnail and medium size. But as you can see with the Rock on beach pic, its v small. I need to find a way of getting round this.
That's a really good feature really, I've spent a lot of hours on mine already and it looks nothing like as good as that.