Newbie to dslr's

Best bet is to get down to a shop and see which one fits you. ie size . Is it comfortable to hold and operate etc. Do you have a budget in mind?
Best bet is to get down to a shop and see which one fits you. ie size . Is it comfortable to hold and operate etc. Do you have a budget in mind?

Ive only really got currys or comet near by to go look at but have seen a couple on jessops website

budget wise maybe about 600 - 700 for everything like camera case memorys card and so on
That would get you a Nikon D3200 with monies left over for some accessories. I would get SD cards via mail order if possible as I find local camera shops often seem to charge a massive markup on them even if they are sometimes fairly competitive on DSLR prices.
That would get you a Nikon D3200 with monies left over for some accessories. I would get SD cards via mail order if possible as I find local camera shops often seem to charge a massive markup on them even if they are sometimes fairly competitive on DSLR prices.

Thank you for the info thats another camera to go hunt down on the internet

this is getting harder :(

is this a good deal? Lens 55-200mm Non VR Lens-81730/Show.html
I'd probably not bother with the twin lens kit at first as £10 more would get you the D3200 and single lens.

I've never been a great fan of cheap kit tele zooms.
well a friend of mine said that im better off with a wider angle lens than the telephoto but was just wonder if its good for the money

i've also looked at a cann 550d but its a twin lens kit aswell

The 550D appears to be a discontinued model and the 18-55 does not appear to be the "IS" model (canon's version of VR).

£40 more would get you the 600D & 18-55 IS
IS means 'image stabilised'
Basically it means the lens stabilises the image to reduce camera shake & blur.

It's called is on Canons & vc on nikons but its the same thing.

I have the canon 550D.
I bought it less than 3 months ago and the 18-55 lens is the IS version, its a great camera. You really need to go to some shops and look at the cameras and have a feel etc as its all down to personal preference. I have taken some good shots with my canon in the time I've had it, the twin lens kit (18-55 & 55-250) is good as long as you make sure they are both the IS versions. I'm still learning however you can have a look at some of my pictures here .... these are more or less all taken with the 550 with both lenses.

The only difference with the 550D and the 600D IS the 600 has a flip out LCD screen, so if you can justify paying an extra £75-100 for the LCD then fair do's but I wouldbt bother as there is no other real difference in the cameras
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It will show in the lens name, for example if its got the image stabiliser then the lens will be called some thing like 'canon 18-55 EFS IS' but if its not then it will just be 'canon 18-55 f5.6 efs'

You need to be looking in the lens description not the camera itself.

Drop me a pm with your mobile number I can give you a quick call tomorrow during the day to give you some more advice if you like?

My images are edited, they are nowhere near as good as some on here (there is some awe inspiring stuff posted on here daily!) Bit it gives you an idea of the kind of photos you can expect from the 550 and the likes of. Don't be put off by the term 'kit lens' as it doesn't mean its a bad lens, really good lenses command a high premium and if you, like me are relatively new to photography then the lit lenses are spot on.

P.S - all advice is subjective as everybody loves their own camera. I like the 550 as it has a nice feel and its easy to get to know, I can't comment on Nikon as I've not owned one, but the equivalent Nikon to the 550 will be equally as good :)
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To be honest since coming on here I have picked up loads of tips and got loads of feedback on my photos that I've uploaded (proper honest feedback as well) its great because people aren't shy they tell it as it is in a nice way, if something's rubbish they will say so but similarly if somethings good it gets noticed too. I've found a lot of the people on here are.more than prepared to offer advice and help. Great place to be if you are new imho!
If its a higher class it means it will write faster so less time waiting for your camera to write the pictures onto it if your taking loads of pictures lol, make sure you buy a memory card that's a decent brand ie SanDisk extreme or something as there's horror stories of cheap memory cards failing and all images getting lost. (This also happened to me!) I would look at a few camera options before you dive in as its an expensive game and also you want to get something that will last! There's loads of people who buy and regret shortly after as didn't read up properly and go look at the cameras to find out what they liked best! It took me a few months to decide what camera to buy once I had the funds. I looked at loads before settling on what my budget allowed and what I knew I would want to keep. Another factor is if you know someone who has the same make of camera you can borrow their expensive lenses ;-) lol
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