Critique Nightime shots - My first real effort and not so good.

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Hi guys,
Legged it up to the lakes after work on Tuesday to take advantage of the awesome clear skies and had a go at creating some moody lake and jetty images.
I underexposed the bloody lot sadly and have had to generate noise pulling them back up, but would appreciate some critique anyway as I am heading back up there next clear night for a better go!



Hi, crit, well don't under expose ;)

As an aside, how come you under exposed?

I actually like #1. It has a very tranquil feel to it, and the trees should, IYSWIM, really dominate the scene but I feel the frame the lake nicely.

I think #1 is lovely. Perfectly exposed, I'd say. The bench is a little dominant in the foreground but not a huge problem, in my opinion.

The others don't work as well for me.
I like these - the exposure feels right - maybe it is just the way that I like to see images.
#1 has a lovely moonlit bench - would be romantic with figures on it. Needs a bit rotation CW?
Good reflections in #2 and 3 and a bit of fading light on horizon. Like the diag of jetty on #3 pointing to the lights on the opp shore
Just noticed, you've got my favourite constellation, if that what it's called in 2 and 3..,, the seven sisters :)
It's technically a star cluster rather than a constellation, but "constellation" will do in most situations.
As an aside, how come you under exposed?

I let the camera do its thing and hadn't given any thought to pulling the histogram up to get the shadow detail correct. Schoolboy error that I wont make again.
I like these - the exposure feels right - maybe it is just the way that I like to see images.

Me too, the exposure is kind of right "now" but only because I have pulled them all back up a minimum of +1 in lightroom now, in fact one of them is a tad over +2 and whilst this is fine for these small web images, they would never print now as they are too noisy.
Next time I will get it right in camera and take them over so I can pull down.
I like No1 it reminds of a shot I took but with the camera on the bench.
I like how you can see rocks on the lake bed on 2&3
Getting exposure right at night can be tricky. You can either just use trial and error, and the histogram, or what I do is take an evaluative reading in camera with the ISO set as high as needed to get a meter raeding at the aperture you require for correct DOF. Let's assume it says 5 seconds.... then work back using reciprocity..

5s @ 102,400
10s @ 51200
20sec @ 25600
40sec @ 12800
1min 20sec @ 6400
2min 40 sec @ 3200
5min 20 sec @ 1600 etc.

I'm not saying those are the times you should have used (far too long.. it would need to be REALLY dark for these figures))... just demonstrating the reciprocity between settings and that if your meter is saying under exposed and making it hard to get a reading.. up ISO until your meter gets it's sh1t together... then work back.

Bear in mind that if stars are to appear as stars, then you'll be limited to speeds of around 20 to 30 seconds with your average wide lens. A rough guide is the "500" rule. Divide your focal length (effective focal length if using a crop sensor camera) by 500. SO a 24mm lens will allow a speed of 21 seconds before trails become visible. This is a rough guide, and you can always push this further. Small trails aren't a problem so long as they are perceived as point stars at normal print viewing distances.... but around 30 secs with a 24mm lens will be around max.

So you'd be relying upon altering ISO more than anything else. You will need whatever aperture you need to get the DOF you need, and the shutter speed will have a maximum that avoids trailing of stars... so ISO is the only flexible friend you have left usually. Don't be scared of upping ISO. With careful and sensitive NR in Lightroom, you'll be amazed how good your images can look at 6400ISO.
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I'd say you're being overly hard on yourself! i like all of these. That jetty is just asking for a bit of light painting, a few pops of flash just to give it some texture. Depends if you want to spend the time in post though!
I'd say you're being overly hard on yourself! i like all of these. That jetty is just asking for a bit of light painting, a few pops of flash just to give it some texture. Depends if you want to spend the time in post though!

Agreed:plus1: Just a little extra light on the jetty and it would be perfect for me. Nice locations for star trails if they are on your to-do list:) Keep it up!
Thats a bit harsh Pookeyhead. You're right, its a technique which takes a lot of practice to get right, but can take an image to the next level with a bit of practice. And for the record, i'm not suggesting honking bright red/green flash blasted all over the place!
Well I like all the images especially no.1 Quite a romantic set I would say.
Thanks guys, I did do a little light painting while I was there actually, will upload one.
(Sorry Dave. LOL)