[Nikon] 50mm f1.4 slightly fuzzy

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Recently got this lens the 50mm f1.4 D and it's great.

When Reading the dpreview of the lens it says that at f1.4 it's slightly soft which I have seen in Picts. Only it looks more like the focus has shifted with the f# changing.

Can this be countered with fine tune on a d300 or is it a quirk with the lens?
Yeah. Nice to have good blur/bokeh and still be sharp ***

hadn't noticed too much with the 105mm.

One pic (of me) was meant to be focused on my face, but appears to be on my ears. Hence the question above. Just thinking that there may be dome settings that can counter yet not be too much of a problem should you go with a higher f#
The focal plane at f/1.4 is very fine so you need to be careful when shooting wide-open to get the focal point exactly where you want it. There is always the temptation to shoot wide-open however in practice it's not required most of the time. :)
i sometimes find this with the 85mm 1.8, it can be very soft. keep a bit of distance from the subject and stop down between say f4 and 5.6, you should still get a soft background and good DOF. wide open isnt always the best to shoot in.
Stopping down to F4 or 5.6 rather negates the point of the F1.8 though,surely?........:shrug:
I have noticed that it can be a be blurry at F1.4, you need to keep it really stready even at fast shutter speeds if you want a sharp focus on the subject but dead soft all around it, it's a corker of a lens! I love my F1.4!
Just bought the AFS 50mm f1.4 G, its sat on my desk next to the keyboard. I have only taken one picture with it yet...... Scurries off to take a few more......
Here's some from the AFS 50mm f1.4G (It was very windy so hitting the correct point with the focus was not easy!!!)

@1.4 a


@1.4 b






I know they are a bit rubbish but it was raining :)