Not my photo's how are these processed?

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There is this member on another forum although people say AMAZING photo's :wacky: , i can't seem to get my head around the processing. The guy just says they come out like that , but even the amatures and first time photographer's i've seen shots don't look like that.

Any ideas?
Well I'm not sure they are exactly amazing - perhaps I'm missing something but they just look lacking in contrast, perhaps from in-camera contrast adjustment but it could be PP.

It *could* be a Fuji S5 Pro with one of the film emulation modes switched in...

They all look a bit weak on my monitor(calibrated Huey)
I suspect they were PP'd using an out of kilter monitor.
I have altered the curves in CS3 on one of them but not changed any colour settings.
Changes things a lot but way off perfect

It looks similar-ish to a heavy dose of shadow/highlight, very flat. Wayne
Edit , you just beat me.
Always tricky ground with posting other peoples photos - please dont comment on the quality of the photos etc and just keep it about how they are processed (as the original questions asks) please people :)
Heres a similar shot I took today, I gave it some shadow/highlight ajustment, it's pretty similar. Wayne

Looks to me like they have been using to much of the "shadow-highlights" in photoshop.:thinking:
Agree. The PP looks pretty bad to me - too flat, too little contrast and just looking overexposed. It could be HDR done badly - either way, I wouldn't be rushing out to try and copy them if I were you :) Shame because that shot of the coast is nice...