Nudge nudge wink wink.

Oh I say no dignity these fellas, a great image the detail is fantastic.
A 2 headed hover fly :thinking: :D

Well spotted great detail (y)
Brilliant detail - and good use of depth of field to preserve a sense of modesty too!
lol great picture (y) Insect porn..interesting side business?
Thanks all for looking and the comments

As to settings
iso 100
shutter 160
Cant remember what I had fec set to but I'm guessing -0.7

And there taken with the a200,Sigma 105 and a full set of tubes with flash and diffuser.
Schoolboy humour :mad:
Never mind what they are doing, what you really have here is a great photo to show folks how to tell male and female hovers apart - its the EYES. The female's eyes do not join at the top.
Wonderful shot. As has been mentioned above, excellent example of the difference between male and female.
to say what they are doing don,t they both look sad with down turned mouths great image tho
atb ian
Great shot But they look like Drone flies to me
I have to smile at the head (face) marking as the taker doesnt look at all happy:LOL:
Thanks for all the comments I'd forgotten about this post but the replies have made me chuckle.(y)