Oh my word...subtle it is not

i saw a coloured body on you-tube and wanted to buy a cover to protect mine....

amusing they fitted and explained they were using canon lens, but they was going to advert the canon brand (label on the body) so they had some kind of tape they wrapped it in and it was a little makeshift instead of a prefabricated cover...
I like that! I want one :)
A really quirky camera. I am not sure you could do any 'blending in' street photography with it though:LOL:
like it alot :) Can i really justify buying another camera for the shelf?

As long as it doesn't live on the shelf and gets used, yes.
Awesome stuff. Colourful and novelty cameras are starting to come back into fashion but are generally sniffed upon by the self-styled pros and the hardcore. I see no reason why cameras shouldn't be personalised or fun, for those of us who enjoy photography our cameras are an important tool with which many of us have an emotional attachment almost. Why not have a camera the appearance of which matches your personality or fashion?

I draw the line at lizard-skin RB67s though :p