Critique Orchid

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C&C welcome....of course!
this is just my opinion not every one will agree... the green buds for me are a little distracting to my eye. maybe if there was a little more light in the center of the leading flower so it shows more detail it will work a little better. I take it this was taken in natural light maybe try turning the flower towards the light a little more. as i said this is only my opinion and no doubt someone better than i will be along soon to give you better feed back.
agree with terri to an extent, the buds, while not distracting to my eye, are a little dark for my liking. The orientation needs to be made portrait, and the second grey line on the Top as it is now (left when orientated) is distracting, but should be able to be cloned quite easily. Nice effort though, no blown highlights that I can see, which is often difficult when dealing with white subjects.
Thanks chaps......always trying to improve! Let me have another go!
Really like that, the highlight on the right most bud really draws the eye across the photo. (y)
now that i do like really like the lighting it draws you eye across the flower.. well done you..
The black and white version is miles better and no distracting background :clap:
B&W is good, but loses a lot of details in the petals, might just be the size of image as it's smaller than the colour one.