out of frame motocross

Now that is cool! That is really effective!
I really like them, particularly number 1. Think it works really well with the subject matter and could see a large one on the wall in a suitable being very addictive.
These are fab! Do you have a tutorial you can share for how to achieve it?
Thanks for the kind words guys, im going to be a load more of this stuff..

heres a tutorial but you need the full Photoshop to do it, but might be doable with other software..

Very good I like this idea..............(y)
Wow...that's pretty impressive
Thanks for the link to the tutorial - going to give it a try - and like the second one as well. :clap:
I think they work very well, different but very good.
Yes very nice indeed. Looks great.
The riders would pay good money for those. You get rid of the unattractive background and make them really funky all in one go.

My only crit would be to be careful with the edges of the rider against the grey BG. They look a little 'sharp' to me. Softening the edges a little might look nicer.

Excellent work though.
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I don't normally care for these type of shots but, wow, they really suit your subject.
Very effective, they look excellent. Is there a tutorial anywhere for your new technique?