Pennan - 1st Photo i ever took

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This is one of the 1st photos i ever took on my powershot G7, put the black & white bit in picasa (Didnt know about PS then) the original is below it.

I know i've still alot to learn, but there's something i like about this one, the folk in the picture are 3 friends who didnt know i was snapping away!!

The only thing i hate about it is the car being there (didnt know about RAW or PS then either)

Comments & Tips Welcome


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Pennan before the floods of last year. Both decent shots(y)(y) with the walkway giving a nice lead in. I think the first one captures the mood better (ie our p*sh weather). The only thing with selective colouring is you have not managed to totally isolate the people, there are still some bits of colour around and between them but that can be sorted with a bit more practice. Stick in min;)
I like the composition and the colour version. The G9 is reported as being a great camera and you have used it very well here.
pennan is such a beautiful, unspoilt (well apart from the mudslides) village and this photo really shows it off. i dont like your B&W conversion though, the colour gets my vote.

have you been to pennans smaller and not so famous (but more beautiful imo) village Crovie?

pennan is such a beautiful, unspoilt (well apart from the mudslides) village and this photo really shows it off. i dont like your B&W conversion though, the colour gets my vote.

have you been to pennans smaller and not so famous (but more beautiful imo) village Crovie?


Didnt even know pennan was there, a couple of friends from fraserburgh took us down one day.

Cheers, not heard of Crovie, Looks like a really nice place, am definetly going to drop in by there sometime.