Photo Assignments... Anyone Else?

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I stopped watching Ted Forbes when everything on his channel was just Sony stuff.

But now, he's ressurected Photo Assignments which could be an interesting project. Not sure if anyone has watched his stuff but the older stuff was very much focussed on creativity. Listening to his podcast, sadly creativity doesn't pay the mortgage hence all the Sony advertising.

is the intro. He's done another subsequent to that.

The kick off project is to take a photo of a space near a window every hour of the day to see how the light changes. I guess in Texas that's useful because the days are just all sunny, but here in Blighty, the same hour every day could give a completely different light. However if you take the spirit of the message, it's about concentrating on how light can change in the same space and I think it has value even if we're not in Kansas Texas any more.

Could be interesting for those interested in projects...
I did something similar back in 1992 for a school photography project. I shot a church with changing light throughout the day from sunrise to a night shot.