Photographing Runners


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Okay, I am an injured runner who, while making his wayt back into training, is avoiding running races. This means that I can watch them!

Now I have a Canon 500D, the 18-55 kit lens and a 50mm 1.8. I can borrow a 70-300 Sigma if needed.

I wish to photograph the runners from my club in action but just a little concerned I'd get a mess of blur.

Will the lenses be good enough to get sharp images and what settings are ideal? Shutter priority?

Any other tips?

Many thanks!

Just make sure you have the aperture wide open, or, as open as possible without creating the soft image, maybe do some research for sharpest aperture on your lenses, normally I find between 5.6-8

depending on weather condition just play with the ISO till you get a decent shutter speed. depending on the running speed anywere from 1/500 to 1/1000 ish

Are we on about joggers or sprinters?
You'll need a longer lens - here's a couple with EXIF intact so you can see the settings I used.



No, use aperture priority and have that set to reasonably open?

I will check the exifs when I get home from work as AWP's pics are exactly what I am after!

Edit: Okay, used a portable exif viewer which has all the info I need to start somewhere. Thanks again!
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I'm supprised at the narrow appertures used in the above photos 5.6 and 8.

Not sure what you mean - do you mean surprised at the large apertures or what? They were taken on a 200mm lens - they were moving fast - I chose an aperture to make sure they were in focus and the b/g wasn't. I'd quite often shoot wider than that - f/4 or even f/2.8 depending on the conditions. Apertures used in the pics above are actually:
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For some reason I thought the natural thing would have been to shoot f/2.8 to get a faster shutter with a lower ISO, shooting an individual at distance like in these shots DOF isn't much of an issue, the person will be in focus.

I guess its just me I still can't get my head around using higher ISO as well as shutter and aperture to control exposure. I will have to play in manual mode and allow ISO to go in to auto tomorrow at the airport and see how it goes.
ISO in these was 400 & 800 - not a problem on a D3. :)