Pick a bird, any bird. Or four!

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Hi folks. Work permitting, I should get to my local camera club meeting on Wednesday - it is a print comp, so would anyone care to help me pick four out of the following pics? (Just a bit of fun as I have a good idea which ones I will take.) The prints are all 16" X 12" printed on epson glossy or semi gloss paper, in white mounts.
Sorry, it's a bit pic-heavy ...

1. First up - yes it's a robin!

robin0423net by tappilappi, on Flickr

2. Goldcrest (plus spider.)

goldcrest0488net by tappilappi, on Flickr

3. Treecreeper (plus another spider!)

treecreeper0211net by tappilappi, on Flickr

4. Marsh Harrier ... no spider.

marshharrier4733net by tappilappi, on Flickr​

A few more along in a minute ...
Robin and Harrier for me :) But I don't really know much. I just think they're great ;-) Then the Bittern and yellow ball of fluff (I don't know what it is)

The kingfisher one, I didn't know what to look at first, and I've never seen one in real life, let alone 3!

Good luck! :)
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Posted on here the pics seem to have a bit more "blue" than in the actual print - It may be to do with the way flickr handles colours. (Kingfishers definitely look wrong compared to the photoshop output to the printer, and the grass in the woody pics is "different" to.)
I love the colours in No.9.

I think overall I like....The Bittern. I just like the way he's really camoflaged. Normally I understand a 'noisy' background is not the best, but I like the way the reeds match his feathers. I'd be proud to have that on my wall!

I love your birds. I hope one day mine look a bit like yours!
Thanks Tori. Your pics will get there - practise and listen to the advice from the people on here - they know their stuff (y)
The kingfishers for me, 3 together is just showing off.
All the images are fab but if your looking at ones to enter then I would say Robin, Marsh Harrier, Bearded Tit and the heron.
Oooh - someone likes the heron! B&W can be a bit hit and miss (especially nature stuff) with the judges, but I do like the heron. Unsure if it will go in. The bearded tit will go in, the kingfishers will not (print looks much better than on here, but I still do not like it.)
Hi Tim, hope you do not take this the wrong way as I am only going by what I see and as you say some look better at your end. I would go for the Bittern, Harrier and Tree creeper. The reason I left the Bearded out is that imo whilst it is a great capture I think that 2,3 or 7 from this set http://www.talkphotography.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=91860 has the edge over it ;)
All the best for the comp, we will be rooting for you (y)
No problem Rich: Say what you see :) I had forgot about those other beardies. I have them printed at A4 but nothing larger. I think that the reason I like the beardy in this set is because it has a much less defined background than the other (hundreds) I took that day. That is the reason I posted here: Sometimes I get "blinkered" and I need a fresh set of eyes to see the light!

This is another Beardy: What do you think of the square crop? And before you ask, no I don't have the end of the reed head! :bang::bang::bang:

beardy9837 by tappilappi, on Flickr​
Another nice one Tim but to me it is not as esthetic looking as your first choice if you know what I mean :) The bg and overall tones in that one are quite soft and mellow, and I like the way that the birds head flows with the end of the reed which is going off to the left of the frame. I am sure you will make the right choice in the end :LOL: After all I do not want to be held reponsible for you becoming runner up :shake::shake:
Fantastic stuff! I think I should just give up this photography lark now!
1,3,4 and 6 are my favourites!(y)
Lovely shots, I would go with the following four

Kingfishers and
The Heron
They are all fantastic shots and I'd be proud to have shot any of them.

For me it's

Kingfisher, Marsh harrier, Bittern and Heron.

That Kingfisher shot is just outstanding !!

Good Luck in the competition.
Thanks for the comments folks (y)
Perhaps I should now let you know which pics I have chosen:
Not No 1. (Robin) I have noticed some imperfections in the pp. :bang:
Not No 2. (Goldcrest) I like it but I am concerned that the judge may not like the OOF specular highlights and the black/frosted dead leaves.
Possibly No 3. (Treecreeper) I really like it for the feather pattern on the back, but will the judge think the overall pic is too bland?
Not No 4. (Marsh harrier) I have noticed some purple fringing right on the tip of some of the wing tips. CBA to reprint tonight. :bang:
Possibly No 5. (kingfishers) I know I said that it wasn't in, but maybe ...
Not No 6. (green woodpecker) I prefer the stance of the bird in this pic compared to the other woody pic, but the head and beak are not in focus. Plus the OOF moving flowers on the left of the shot look bleurgh ...
No 7. is in. (Bittern) Even though I can pic many faults with this pic it is sharp and I like it.
Not No 8. (Goldcrest) See No 2.
No 9. is in. (Bearded tit) Sorry Rich :). Again, a couple of faults (subject too central etc.) But I like it.
Possibly No. 10. (Heron) Not the sharpest of pics, but it was moving ... And will the judge like a B&W nature pic ... And will it look odd with the other three colour pics?
No 11. is in. (Green woodpecker) Sharp where it should be and not too much crap in the background.
So now I have to choose between the kingfishers, heron and treecreeper. :shrug:
great images, the bittern has it for me, maybe because ive never been lucky enough to see one.
where do you go to get such a great variety of birds?
Not that it's worth much....but I think the bittern, heron, last woodpecker and marsh harrier in that order.
Marsh Harrier is stunning, First green woodpecker even better Great images thanks for sharing
Thanks for all the comments folks. :clap:

Oh, and the results were:
Bearded tit: 20/20 :D
Bittern: 19/20
Kingfishers: 19/20
Woody (No.11) 18/20
I dropped four marks out of a possible eighty, which was enough to give me first place, but I also got to enjoy prints by other togs - I may be a confirmed "bird-on-a-stick" guy, but some of the architecture and landscape stuff was really stunning. Only bit of bad news is that the club are dropping slides for next year :thumbsdown:
Sorry Jamesstan - didn't mean to not reply to you: Most of my wildlife stuff is shot at RSPB Strumpshaw fen, near Norwich, Norfolk. The beardy and bittern pics were from Stumpshaw, but the kingfishers were from Lackford lakes, Suffolk, and the green woodpeckers were in my back garden!
wow how lucky. i live on portland, which is supposed to be great for birds, but i jsut never se ethem and dont know how to find them, we have rsb radipole and rspb lodmoor in weymouth, but again i guess its knowing where to look for what kind of bird.
Congratulations Tim!!

Stunning set of images! Particularly like the marsh harrier though!
