Pirelli Rally

Keltic Ice Man

Glossary King
Edit My Images
Well as promised here are a few of my pics from the road parts of the rally from yesterday and today.


#2 - Did I pack my sandwiches?



if you're interested in seeing more: http://kelticrose.itsmyland.com/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=6


Picture 2 loaded...but the others didn't and your site says server error :(
If i stop the page loading after 2 mins I can see the top inch of picture 1...so no ;)

Your web site >

500 Internal Server Error


Seems very intermittant. All four images only appeared once in 7-8 refreshes. Othertimes I would get any combination including none.
Worth waiting for :)

Looks like you had a good day out.
Great set of pics Allan ... particularly like the wheel rims and third place ... sort of sums up the event - for me anyway !

What ... no favourites ???
gotta love landrovers in a rally :) Celebrations shots are nice too but is the second one maybe a tad soft?
dod said:
gotta love landrovers in a rally :) Celebrations shots are nice too but is the second one maybe a tad soft?

Is that the one with the ladies on? if so yep got to agree it looks a bit soft. I've tried sharpening but think all in all not as good as it should have been.

Forgot to mention Pic 1 and 3 have had the sky slightly modified as it was a really grey overcast day


not all working for me either
the space is there for you to use Allan, so please do!
Have you got a polarizer? Maybe get one coz I think you'd then be able to see inside the cars to the driver...
orangepeel said:
Have you got a polarizer? Maybe get one coz I think you'd then be able to see inside the cars to the driver...

funny you should say that - coz on the second day I thought "wonder what its like with a polarizer on" - so went out and got one and only took a few shots with it but like the results


Matty - Does the tfp gallery not resize a pic to 160? - thought it used to