Playing with HDR

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would love some constructive criticism as a newb :thinking:

That looks pretty nice IMHO. Not too OTT on the processing. The wheels does look like it's falling over though.
Well done, it's all too easy to go overboard with HDR and create some glowing monstrosity :D

The composition doesn't do all that much for me, I'd have preferred it to have been taken a little further along the bridge so there was no overlap between the eye and the building behind it if you know what I mean. But you've nailed the processing (y)

Well done, it's all too easy to go overboard with HDR and create some glowing monstrosity :D

The composition doesn't do all that much for me, I'd have preferred it to have been taken a little further along the bridge so there was no overlap between the eye and the building behind it if you know what I mean. But you've nailed the processing (y)


definitely agree but funnily enough it was a snap shot getting of the boat - the sun came out and it looked so pretty
Nice job on the processing, proving that with a little effort you can get that detail in the highlights without halos around everything. :)
Leaving the comp etc aside as you ask about the HDR....i think the test of HDR is that you know the shot looks good on one place in the shot and another and another and people have to ask "did you use HDR" as nothing looks out of place...only perfect....and this does look perfect in the processing.
A lot of the time you see "that horrible sky" as some think if theres a slider to do it it needs to go right to the seems they can't be looking when they do it.

Hope this makes sense.

Play on :D
That's a stunning shot :clap:

I'm a huge HDR fan myself, and this is right up my street.

I'll be keeping an eye on you for more ;)
HMMM not sure the sky looks overdone to me and it just seems a very white image more IR than HDR
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