Pocket watch

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Desperate to take some photos, during the rubbish weather (I usually take wildlife shots), a friend loaned me a pocket watch.

Would be interested on your opinions, anything I could do to improve the shot etc?

Hi Sian,

It's difficult with such a small image, however to me it looks like a strange crop. With so much space on the left it might work ordinarily, however there's a strange straight object which divides the image into two - the watch, and the black space?

Is it possible for you to upload a larger image?

As said, the crop is rather strange, it would look far more interesting if one could see the whole of the watch as it does seem to have some character, especialy the center. For this type of image you would need a nice sharp and good dof to make it work, the angle here is quite good but needs much more detail.
Thanks everyone, I was going for an arty crop, but obviously failed miserably :bonk:

How do I upload a bigger image? When I try to upload, it keeps telling me the file is too big, which is why its a small one.

Thanks again for the feedback

Hi Sian,

The easiest way to upload a larger photo is to host it on a different website (such as flickr.com or photobucket.com) and then you can link directly to it from your thread. There's a guide to posting from flickr here: Clicky, and posting from other sites such as photobucket is pretty similar.

If you're struggling just let me know (including which site your hosting your images on) and I'll talk you through it.


Nice try...

To me:
- looks slightly soft on the right hand side.
- in its box (can you get closer?) gives that dividing line

Things to try
On my last post on here there were some helpful hints and links. I think if you put on a velvety square rather than in the box, unless there is detailing on the box...
Black or White shiny surfaces tend to be the norm or get in as close as you can on a detail. ie the suggestion of cogs a couple of posts up

Nice try tho.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/sian1969/5481366097/" title="Pocket watch by SianJones, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5136/5481366097_ce10888976_z.jpg" width="640" height="559" alt="Pocket watch" /></a>

Thank you all for the feedback & tips.

Hopefully this will work, this is another photo I took in the series, unfortunately I don't have the watch anymore, but am still interested in your views.


Ok, what did I do wrong? :(
Ok, what did I do wrong? :(
You didn't change the format from HTML to BBCode:

The link on post #10 works though. It's a nice shot, I much prefer it to the previous one.
Thanks Keith :)